














1.Android is a____________operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. It was first released in 2008. Android code is ____________

2.____________, more commonly referred to as apps, extend the functionality of Android devices.

3.Android system architecture, known as the Android stack, consists of four layers: ____________

4.An Android app is typically developed using an ____________ ( Integrated Development Environment) like Android Studio, using Java as the programming language.

5.Android apps can be run on a physical Android device or on an ____________, also called an ____________

6.An Android project must be built before it is run, compiling the Java source code (____________) into Java bytecodes (____________) and then into Dalvik executable files (____________).

7.All of the files for an Android project are put into an ____________, which includes a binary version of the ____________.

8.To run an app on an emulator or device, it must be digitally ____________ with a certificate.

9.The Android ____________lets your IDE communicate with an emulator or a physical Android device.

10.Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development. It’s ____________, and runs on all modern operating systems.

11.A____________ is a directory that contains all of the files for an app.

12.In Android development, an____________defines one screen of an app.

13.In Android development, a ____________ contains XML that defines the user interface.

14.In Android Studio, the different parts of the main window are known as tool ____________

15.A ____________ is an on-screen keyboard that you can use to enter text on touchscreen devices and emulators.


1.In Android development, the components that make up the user interface are known as ____________

2.In Android, an ____________ stores the code for a screen of an app.

3.In Android, a ____________stores the XML that defines the user interface of an app.

4.In Android Studio, you can use the ____________ editor to add widgets to a layout by dragging them from the Palette window onto the layout

5.It’s generally considered a best practice to store the display text for your app in a ____________XML file. This makes it easy to internationalize the text for your application.

6.Although Android supports other units of measurement, such as inches, it’s a best practice to use ____________ and ____________ whenever possible.


1.An ____________ is a special type of method that’s executed when an event occurs.

2.A ____________is an object that listens for an event.

3.An____________ typically occurs when the user presses an action key, such as the Done key, on a soft keyboard.

4.A ____________typically occurs when the user clicks a widget such as a button.

5.You can use the ____________ class to permanently save values in your app.

6.To save values, you can override the ____________.

7.To restore values you have saved, you can override the ____________.

8.The____________ controls how Android Studio builds the project. This includes specifying any ____________ for the project.

9.The ____________(the AndroidManilest.xml file) specifies some essential information about an app that the Android system must have before it can run the app, including the first activity to launch when the app is started.

10.Once you install an app on a device or emulator, you can use its ____________ to restart it


1.To ____________ an app, you run it to make sure that it works properly no matter what combinations of valid or invalid data you enter.

2.When you ____________an app, you find and fix all of the errors (bugs) that you find when you test the app.

3.A simple way to trace the execution of an app is to insert____________logging statements at key points in the code.

4.Another way to trace code execution is to use ____________, which are messages that are briefly displayed on the user interface

5.Android Studio includes a powerful tool known as a ____________ that can help you find and fix errors.

6.You can set a ____________ on a line of code to stop code execution just before that line of code. Then, you can ____________ the code and view the values of the variables as the code executes.

7.A ____________is a list of methods in the reverse order in which they were called


1.The ____________ is the superclass for all widgets.

2.A ____________ displays a column or row of child widgets.

3.The ____________ of a linear layout and its child widgets control the ____________ of the user interface.

4.A ____________ displays widgets in rows and columns.

5.A ____________ is one of the simplest and most efficient types of layouts, and often displays only a single child layout or widget

6.You can ____________ one layout within another layout, but it can degrade performance.

7.An ____________ lets the user ____________ with a keyboard An editable text view is also known as ____________.

8.A ____________ allows the user to check or uncheck an option.

9.A____________ lets the user select one option of several options.

10.A____________, also known as a ____________ ____________, allows the user to select an item from a list.

11.An ____________ provides the list that a spinner should display.

12.A ____________ lets the user specify a value by dragging a ____________ to the right or left.

13.Android supports ____________, ____________, and ____________ images.

14.You can use ____________ to dynamically show or hide widgets.

15.A ScrollView widget displays a ____________ ____________ that lets the user scroll up or down the child element.

16.To display a ____________ ____________ bar that lets the user scroll right or left across the child element, use a ____________ element.

17.A ____________uses a built-in browser to display web content such as a web page that’s designed for mobile devices.

18.A ____________ displays a visual indicator of the progress of an operation.


1.A ____________for events that can occur on a widget. When an event occurs on a widget, the appropriate method of the listener is executed.

2.____________ ____________ are events that occur on a specific type of widget. An interlace that defines a listener lor a high-level event is typically nested within the class that defines the widget. These listeners can only be wired to an appropriate widget.

3.____________ ____________are events that occur on all types of widgets. An interface that defines a listener for a low-level event is typically nested within the android.view.View class. These listeners can be wired to any type of widget.

4.You can create an instance variable that creates an object from a class that implements the listener interlace. Since this class doesn’t have a name, it’s known as an ____________.

5.You can create an instance of a listener interface without assigning it to an instance variable. This is known as an ____________

6.The ____________ event of a check box or radio button occurs when a check box or radio button is checked or unchecked.

7.For a spinner, the____________is executed when the spinner is first displayed and whenever a new item is selected. The ____________ method is only executed when the selection disappears.

8.For a seek bar, the ____________ is executed when the user begins to change the value of the seek bar. The ____________ is executed as the user changes the value of the seek bar. The ____________ is executed when the user finishes changing the value of the seek bar

9.The ____________ contains constants for almost every possible hardware key on a device including the keys on a hard keyboard or a DPad.

10.The onKey and onTouch methods both return a____________ that indicates whether the method has consumed the event. If this method returns a true value, the event is not passed on to the parents of the current widget.


1.A ____________ is a collection of properties that specify formatting for a widget.

2.A ____________ is a collection of styles that apply to an entire activity or app. Android includes several built-in themes.

3.With____________(API 14) and later, an activity can include an action bar, which is a title bar that can also display buttons.

4.A ____________element can specify a theme or a style.

5.The AndroidManifest.xml file uses its ____________ element to specify the ____________ for the application.

6.A ____________is a collection of styles that can be applied throughout an application.

7.To define names for colors, you can add a ____________ file to the res/values directory.

8.To specify a color, you can use hexadecimal, or ____________, values to specify an RGB value.

9.To apply a color, you can use a hex value, a ____________ for a user-defined color, or a name for a built-in Android color


1.An activity can include an____________ that includes one or more menu items.

2.If the device doesn’t have a physical Menu button, an action ____________ icon is displayed on the right side of the____________ to display the options menu.

3.The action bar can include menu items.

4.Any items that aren’t displayed on the action bar are displayed in the options menu.

5.By default, if you specify an icon for an item, Android uses that icon in the action bar, but it uses text for that item in the options menu.

6.Within the____________, you typically use a Menulnflater object to convert, or____________, the XML for the menu items into Java objects and store them in the Menu parameter.

7.To handle the event that’s generated when a user selects an item from the options menu, you can override the ____________ and use a switch statement to determine which menu item was selected.

8.An ____________ provides a description of an operation to be performed. Intents are commonly used with the startActivity method to start activities.

9.Android provides ____________that allow you to build an interface that’s consistent with the user experience in other Android apps

10.Each preference has a corresponding key-value pair that the system saves in the default shared ____________. Whenever the user changes a setting, the system automatically updates that file.

11.You can use a ____________to define part of the user interface for an activity.

12.You can use the default ____________object to get preferences that have been automatically saved by the Preferences API.

13.You can group preferences by nesting one or more ____________ elements within a ____________element.

14.You can enable or disable a preference by using its dependency attribute to link the preference to a corresponding ____________ element.


1.An ____________can be used to publish frequently updated works, such as blog entries and news headlines. Since RSS uses a standardized XML file format, the feed can be published once and viewed by many different apps.

2.A ____________,is a single sequential flow of control within a program that often completes a specific task.

3.By default, an Android app uses a single thread, called the ____________, to display the user interface. Any task that can slow or stop the responsiveness of the UI thread should be run in a separate thread.

4.An ____________ task is a task that runs in a separate thread in the background and does not need to be synchronized with other threads.

5.The ____________uses generics to allow a class to operate on various types of objects, and provides for three generic types: (1) ____________, (2) ____________, and (3)____________. It provides an easy way to perform a background task and publish results on the UI thread without having to manually manipulate threads.

6.You can use the ____________ and ____________to create a thread that executes tasks after a specified delay or at a specified interval.

7.You can use____________and____________ to download a file by reading input from the Internet and writing output to the file system.

8.You can use ____________to parse XML files.

9.You can use the ____________ class to display data in a ListView widget.

10.An ____________ intent specifies a component such as an activity, and can be used to pass data from one activity to another.

11.An____________intent specifies the action you want to perform, and can be used to view a URL in a web browser or to call a phone number


1.To store data and methods that apply to the entire application, you can extend the ____________ and add instance variables and methods.

2.A ____________ performs tasks in the background, does not provide a user interface, and continues to run even if the user switches to another app.

3.An ____________ does not interact with other components such as activities, and runs until it’s stopped by another component or by itself.

4.A ____________ can interact with components such as activities. This type of service runs only as long as another component is bound to it. Multiple components can bind to the service at once, but when all of them unbind, the service is destroyed.

5.To test a service, you can print messages to the____________.


6.You can use the ____________ app to view all of the apps and services that are running on a device or emulator.

7.Before you can use an Application object or a service, you must ____________ it.

8.A ____________ provides a way for a service to display a message even when another app is running.

9.When it’s first displayed, a notification appears as an icon in the ____________ ____________at the top of the screen.

10.To view a notification, the user can pull down on the notification area to open the ____________.

11.A ____________ is an intent that can be passed to other apps so that they can execute the intent at a later time.

12.The____________ is a stack of all recently used activities. These activities are sorted in the order in which they were used

13.A ____________ is a cohesive unit that can contain multiple activities. Every activity belongs to a task.

14.The ____________ is the back stack for a particular task.

15.A ____________ is a service that’s provided by the Android operating system.

16.You can use the ____________ object to display or remove a notification, and you can use the ____________ object to check if a network connection is available to the device.


1.The Android operating system____________ certain ____________ that occur as a device is being used.

2.Every broadcast has an ____________that uniquely identifies the action.

3.A ____________ is an application component that listens for a broadcast and executes code when it receives that broadcast.

4.You can code a broadcast receiver to execute code when the connectivity for the device changes.

5.To code a receiver for a custom broadcast, you can define a class for the receiver.

6.If you want to get extra data from the Intent for the action, you can use the ____________of the Intent class.

7.You can use Java code to register and unregister a ____________







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