PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK Crack

Convert PowerPoint to HTML5 Retaining Animations, Transitions, Hyperlinks, Smartart, Triggers and other multimedia effects
World’s first and industry best technology for building web/mobile based interactive presentations directly from PowerPoint – that too with just a click of a button. HTML5Point precisely converts your PowerPoint content to HTML5 and is guaranteed to maintain the quality of animations, transitions and other special effects connected with the original PowerPoint presentation. Creating an e-Learning package with easy support on all devices is now very simple with HTML5Point.

PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK
The Only PPT to HTML5 SDK in the industry that support Animations, Transitions & Effects

HTML5Point SDK: PowerPoint to HTML5 Converter SDK (Software Developing Kit) is a sophisticated SDK Component, allowing you to easily integrate and leverage the world's first and leading PowerPoint to HTML5 conversion tool in an easy, fast and economical way by developers for Desktop applications, Web applications or Web services.

World's most advanced PPT to HTML5 SDK
Mobile and touch device support
Player customization support
Presentation conversion via COM API

Mobile & Touch device support
The HTML5 platform is currently enjoying a renaissance in the mobile world. It has turned into a write once, run anywhere platform. That's why people say "HTML5 Rocks!!". With HTML5Point PowerPoint to HTML5 Publisher, you can easily create rich-media and touch friendly HTML5 slideshows for interactive online training. Converted output in HTML5 format allows you to view the slideshows on mobile devices or easily distribute it through most of the web browsers. Created HTML5 output works fine in mobile technologies like iPad, iPhone and Android devices.


Mobile & Touch device support
Development platform
PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK provides a powerful .NET/COM API which is optimized for high multiple execution processing and performs fast batch conversion of PowerPoint presentations into compact and mobile-friendly HTML5 content in no time. In addition, it gives you full control over your own product and for web application. PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK is compatible with major development platforms for Windows including C#, VB.NET, VB, Java, C++, ASP, and ASP.NET.

Development platform
Create Custom Player
PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK allows you to create custom branded players for your presentations and take full control over the presentation look and feel. It includes player's source code and detailed documentation to facilitate your development.

Create Custom Player
HTML5Point SDK Sample DemoCreated with HTML5Point Converter
HTML5Point SDK Sample Demo
HTML5Point PowerPoint to HTML5 SDK technology ensures precise PowerPoint to HTML5 conversion accuracy. It's a perfectly engineered smart and effective solution that preserves virtually all animations and transition effects- it also supports embedded audio, video and various PowerPoint styles.

To view the Webcast Demo - Click Here

Developer tools & Features
Presentation conversion via COM API
Detailed programmer's guide
C#, VB, VB.NET, VC++ samples
Player template samples
Presentation conversion via command line (coming soon)
Automatic code generation with CodeBuilder (coming soon)
Custom Player creation sample
Option for changing size and scale of HTML5 output.
Can create SCORM (SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 (2nd, 3rd, 4th edition)) supported HTML5 output.
Output HTML5 features
Easy online-distribution - no Browser Plug-in is required
Mobile and touch device support (iPad/iPhone/Android devices)
Greater performance and accessibility
Greater Accessibility
Extensive Compatibility
Low file size
Resolution friendly
PowerPoint Features Support
PowerPoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 support
Hidden slides support
All transitions
All custom animations excluding some emphasis effects
Text animations by words and letters
Embedded and linked Flash movies and YouTube videos
AVI/WMV/MPG/MP4 video clips
MP3, WAV and WMA audio
Slide transition and animation sounds
Slide background audio
Slide notes
Slide video player controls support
Right-to-Left languages
Custom aspect ratio for slides
Trigger, Interactive sequence





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