Spire.Office 8.11.2 for NET fix Crack


Spire.Doc for .NET
A professional Word .NET library designed to create, read, write, convert and print Word document files in any .NET ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin ) application with fast and high quality performance.

Spire.XLS for .NET
A professional Excel .NET library that can be used to create, read, write, convert and print Excel files in any type of .NET ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin ) application.

Spire.Presentation for .NET
A professional PDF library applied to creating, writing, editing, handling and reading PDF files without any external dependencies within .NET ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin ) application.

Spire.PDF for .NET
A professional PowerPoint® compatible library that enables developers to create, read, write, modify, convert and print PowerPoint documents in any .NET ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin ) application.

Spire.Email for .NET
A professional Email library specially designed for developers to create, read and manipulate emails in any .NET ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .Net Core, .Net Standard, MonoAndroid, Xamarin iOS ) application.

Spire.Barcode for .NET
A professional barcode library specially designed for .NET developers ( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, .Net Standard, MonoAndroid, Xamarin.iOS ) to generate, read and scan 1D & 2D barcodes.

Spire.Office 8.11.2 is released
We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Office 8.11.2. In this version, Spire.Doc publicizes the enumeration of Spire.Doc.Publics.Drawing.FontStyle; Spire.PDF adds the new PdfImageHelper interface for image extraction, deletion, replacement and compression; Spire.Presentation releases several new features, such as obtaining the height and width of the text area within a shape and retrieving text from different lines within a shape. Besides, a lot of known issues are fixed successfully in this version. More details are listed below.
In this version, the most recent versions of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.DataExport, Spire.Barcode are included.
DLL Versions:
Spire.Doc.dll v11.11.8
Spire.Pdf.dll v9.11.9
Spire.XLS.dll v13.11.4
Spire.Presentation.dll v8.11.1
Spire.Email.dll v6.5.8
Spire.Barcode.dll v7.2.3
Spire.DocViewer.Forms.dll v8.7.4
Spire.Spreadsheet.dll v7.4.3
Spire.PdfViewer.Forms.dll v7.12.1
Spire.PdfViewer.Asp v7.12.1
Spire.OfficeViewer.Forms.dll v8.11.2
Spire.DataExport.dll v4.9.0
Spire.DataExport.ResourceMgr.dll v2.1.0.
Here is a list of changes made in this release
New feature-Publicizes the enumeration Spire.Doc.Publics.Drawing.FontStyle.
New feature-Changes the namespace of the "FontStyle" in the "PrivateFontPath" structure to "Spire.Doc.Publics.Drawing".
Changes the method "public PrivateFontPath(string fontName, System.Drawing.FontStyle fontStyle, string fontPath)" to "public PrivateFontPath(string fontName, Spire.Doc.Publics.Drawing.FontStyle fontStyle, string fontPath)".
Changes the method "public PrivateFontPath(string fontName, System.Drawing.FontStyle fontStyle, string fontPath, bool useArabicConcatenationRules)" to "public PrivateFontPath(string fontName, Spire.Doc.Publics.Drawing.FontStyle fontStyle, string fontPath, bool useArabicConcatenationRules)".
BugSPIREDOC-9369Fixes the issue that the content formatting was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9456Fixes the issue that the pagination was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9594Fixes the issue that the content was not correct after converting HTML to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9716Fixes the issue that the program threw System.ArgumentException when converting ODT to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9764Fixes the issue that the page numbers of the table of contents were incorrectly positioned after merging Word documents and converting them to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9765Fixes the issue that the formatting of the table of contents was incorrect after merging Word documents and converting them to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9869Fixes the issue that images were not displayed after converting HTML to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9906Fixes the issue that the content of OLE objects cloned from RTF documents to Docx documents was not displayed completely.
BugSPIREDOC-9909Fixes the issue that the program threw System.InvalidOperationException when converting Word to image/PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9923Fixes the issue that the newly added rows were not aligned after adding new rows to a Word table and converting it to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9924Fixes the issue that the program threw System.IndexOutOfRangeException when modifying the content of a Word table and converting the document to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-9934Fixes the issue that editing restrictions were lost after saving a Doc format document as a new document.
New feature-Adds the new PdfImageHelper interface for image extraction, deletion, replacement and compression.
Key code snippets are as follows:
// Delete image:
// Extract images:
int index = 0;
foreach (PdfImageInfo info in imageInfos)
    info.Image.Save(outputFile_I + string.Format("Image-{0}.png", index));
// Replace image:
PdfImage image = PdfImage.FromFile(TestUtil.DataPath + "ImgFiles/E-iceblue logo.png");
imageHelper.ReplaceImage(imageInfos[0], image);
// Compress images:
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
    foreach (PdfImageInfo info in imageHelper.GetImagesInfo(page))
        bool success = info.TryCompressImage();
BugSPIREPDF-5781Fixes the issue that two columns of the extracted PDF table were merged into one.
BugSPIREPDF-6225Fixes the issue that the result document of XPS to PDF conversion was blank.
BugSPIREPDF-6232Fixes the issue that it popped up page error when opening PDF converted from XPS with Adobe tools.
BugSPIREPDF-6355Fixes the issue that extra characters appeared in the content after converting PDF to XPS.
BugSPIREPDF-6361Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception System.NullReferenceException when loading PDF documents.
BugSPIREPDF-6320Improves the speed of converting PDF to images.
BugSPIREPDF-4552Fixes the issue that the extracted content from PDF was incorrect.
BugSPIREPDF-5949Fixes the issue that the resulting file became larger after splitting and merging PDFs.
BugSPIREPDF-6017Fixes the issue that the program crashed when converting PDF to SVG on Linux.
BugSPIREPDF-6273Fixes the issue that the table content extracted from PDF was incorrect.
BugSPIREPDF-6301Fixes the issue that the order of extracted table content was incorrect.
BugSPIREPDF-6305Fixes the issue that the text style changed after converting PDF to images.
BugSPIREPDF-6308Fixes the issue that documents could still be decrypted without entering a password.
BugSPIREPDF-6309Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception "System.NullReferenceException" when comparing and saving PDF
BugSPIREPDF-6312Fixes the issue that some content was unclear when printing PDF.
BugSPIREPDF-6314Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" when converting PDF to SVG.
BugSPIREPDF-6333Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception "System.StackOverflowException" when converting PDF to images.
BugSPIREPDF-6346Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception "System.NullReferenceException" when extracting text.
BugSPIREPDF-6348Fixed an issue that tables were not recognized.
BugSPIREXLS-4876Fixed the issue that some cells were missing when convert Excel to HTML.
BugSPIREXLS-4880Fixed the issue that the font directory did not take effective when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4904Fixed the issue that the function SHEET(A3) did not auto calculate.
BugSPIREXLS-4922Fixed the problem that the encryption information obtained from a worksheet was incorrect.
BugSPIREXLS-4925Fixed the issue that the watermark was incorrect after copying a worksheet.
BugSPIREXLS-4931Fixed the issue that the pagination was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4933Fixed the issue that the System.FormatException exception was thrown when loading an Excel document.
BugSPIREXLS-4942Fixed the issue that the parentheses were not recognized when converting Excel to images
BugSPIREXLS-4963Fixed the issue that some content got lost when copying a custom shape created by Excel 365 to another worksheet.
New featureSPIREPPT-2378Supports preserving position information of shapes relative to slides when converting shapes to SVG.
byte[] svgByte = shape.SaveAsSvgInSlide();
FileStream fs = new FileStream("shapePath_" + num + ".svg", FileMode.Create);
fs.Write(svgByte, 0, svgByte.Length);
New featureSPIREPPT-2379Supports obtaining the height and width of a text area within a shape.
IAutoShape autoShape = shape as IAutoShape;
SizeF size = autoShape.TextFrame.GetTextSize();
New featureSPIREPPT-2384Supports retrieving text from different lines within a shape.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
ISlide slide = ppt.Slides[0];
for (int i = 0; i < slide.Shapes.Count; i++)
    IAutoShape shape = (IAutoShape)slide.Shapes[i];
    File.AppendAllText(outputFile, "shape" + i + ":" + "\r\n");
    IList<LineText> lines = shape.TextFrame.GetLayoutLines();
    for (int j = 0; j < lines.Count; j++)
        File.AppendAllText(outputFile,"line[" + j + "]:" + lines[j].Text + "\r\n");
New featureSPIREPPT-2390Supports retrieving the ShapeID property of an OleObject object.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
OleObjectCollection oles = ppt.Slides[0].OleObjects;
OleObject oleObject = oles[0];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("ShapeID=" + oleObject.ShapeID);
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in oleObject.Properties)
    sb.AppendLine(entry.Key + ":" + entry.Value);
File.AppendAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());
BugSPIREPPT-2391Fixes the issue that the program threw System.InvalidCastException when executing shape.TextFrame.GetTextLocation() method.





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