cuda lib 线程安全的要义

1, 概述

cuda lib 线程安全的几个多线程的情景:





每个 cublasHandle_t 只能有一个stream么?
每个cusolverHandle_t 只能有一个 stream么?
多个线程同时跑在多个或一个gpu上,需要使用多个stream么?都是NULL 默认stream的话,不会影响效率吧?

2, 多线程示例


 * Multi-GPU sample using OpenMP for threading on the CPU side
 * needs a compiler that supports OpenMP 2.0
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>  // stdio functions are used since C++ streams aren't necessarily thread safe
//#include <helper_cuda.h>

#define checkCudaErrors(val)  val

using namespace std;

// a simple kernel that simply increments each array element by b
__global__ void kernelAddConstant(int *g_a, const int b)
    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    g_a[idx] += b;

// a predicate that checks whether each array element is set to its index plus b
int correctResult(int *data, const int n, const int b)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (data[i] != i + b)
            return 0;

    return 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int num_gpus = 0;   // number of CUDA GPUs

    printf("%s Starting...\n\n", argv[0]);

    // determine the number of CUDA capable GPUs

    if (num_gpus < 1)
        printf("no CUDA capable devices were detected\n");
        return 1;

    // display CPU and GPU configuration
    printf("number of host CPUs:\t%d\n", omp_get_num_procs());
    printf("number of CUDA devices:\t%d\n", num_gpus);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_gpus; i++)
        cudaDeviceProp dprop;
        cudaGetDeviceProperties(&dprop, i);
        printf("   %d: %s\n", i,;


    // initialize data
    unsigned int n = num_gpus * 8192;
    unsigned int nbytes = n * sizeof(int);// nbytes = num_gpus * [8192*sizeof(int)]
    printf("nbytes=%u\n", nbytes);
    int *a = 0;     // pointer to data on the CPU
    int b = 3;      // value by which the array is incremented
    a = (int *)malloc(nbytes);

    if (0 == a)
        printf("couldn't allocate CPU memory\n");
        return 1;
//这里如果使用 #pragma omp parallel for 的话,会不会影响下面的线程数?
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        a[i] = i;

    // run as many CPU threads as there are CUDA devices
    //   each CPU thread controls a different device, processing its
    //   portion of the data.  It's possible to use more CPU threads
    //   than there are CUDA devices, in which case several CPU
    //   threads will be allocating resources and launching kernels
    //   on the same device.  For example, try omp_set_num_threads(2*num_gpus);
    //   Recall that all variables declared inside an "omp parallel" scope are
    //   local to each CPU thread
    // 通过获知GPU的数量来设定下面参与工作的线程数量
    omp_set_num_threads(num_gpus);  // create as many CPU threads as there are CUDA devices
    //omp_set_num_threads(2*num_gpus);// create twice as many CPU threads as there are CUDA devices
    //自动创建 num_gpus 个线程
    #pragma omp parallel
        unsigned int cpu_thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
        //获取 openmp 自动创建的总的线程数
        unsigned int num_cpu_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
	    printf("cpu_thread_id=%u   num_cpu_threads=%u\n", cpu_thread_id, num_cpu_threads);

        // set and check the CUDA device for this CPU thread
        int gpu_id = -1;
        //两个或以上的线程,可以同时使用同一个 gpu 设备;cudaSetDevice(id) 会使得本线程锁定这个 id-th gpu 设备,接下来发生的cudaXXX,都是在这个gpu上发生的。
        checkCudaErrors(cudaSetDevice(cpu_thread_id % num_gpus));   // "% num_gpus" allows more CPU threads than GPU devices
        printf("CPU thread %d (of %d) uses CUDA device %d, set id=%d, get id = %d\n", cpu_thread_id, num_cpu_threads, gpu_id, cpu_thread_id%num_gpus, gpu_id);

        int *d_a = 0;   // pointer to memory on the device associated with this CPU thread
        int *sub_a = a + cpu_thread_id * n / num_cpu_threads;   // pointer to this CPU thread's portion of data
        unsigned int nbytes_per_kernel = nbytes / num_cpu_threads;//其中的 nbytes = num_gpus * [8192*sizeof(int)], 是整除关系;得到每个线程需要分配的显存字节数
        dim3 gpu_threads(128);  // 128 threads per block
        dim3 gpu_blocks(n / (gpu_threads.x * num_cpu_threads));// n = num_gpus * 8192;   其中 8192 是128的整数倍, num_cpu_threads 是 num_gpus 的小小的整数倍; 
        // 这样每个block含128个线程; 每个线程需要几个block呢 = n/(gpu_threads.x * num_cpu_threads)

        checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&d_a, nbytes_per_kernel));//在本线程所setDevice的gpu上cudaMalloc显存空间;
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(d_a, 0, nbytes_per_kernel));//将分的的空间刷0
        // 将本线程需要处理的数据块拷贝的本线程所cudaMalloc的显存中;
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_a, sub_a, nbytes_per_kernel, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
        kernelAddConstant<<<gpu_blocks, gpu_threads>>>(d_a, b);
        // 本线程将处理好的数据拷贝到本线程负责的系统内存块中
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(sub_a, d_a, nbytes_per_kernel, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));


    if (cudaSuccess != cudaGetLastError())
        printf("%s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()));

    // check the result
    bool bResult = correctResult(a, n, b);

    if (a)
        free(a); // free CPU memory

    exit(bResult ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);


要保证cuda lib的线程安全,首先确定cuda driver cuda runtime 都是线程安全的,这个其实是没有问题的,也就是说多个线程多块显卡同时运行的场景是不会引发cuda runtime的线程安全问题的,这点可以放心;

3, 多线程安全分析





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