Motion Plan软硬约束下的轨迹生成

Motion Plan之轨迹生成代码实现
Motion Plan之搜索算法笔记
Motion Plan之基于采样的路径规划算法笔记
Motion Plan之带动力学约束路径搜索

Motion Plan之轨迹生成笔记
Motion Plan之曲线拟合笔记
GitHub - liangwq/robot_motion_planing: 移动机器人轨迹生成相关代码





• 端点插值。贝塞尔曲线始终从第一个控制点开始,结束于最后一个控制点,并且不会经过任何其他控制点。
• 凸包。贝塞尔曲线 𝐵(𝑡) 由一组控制点 𝑐𝑖 完全限制在由所有这些控制点定义的凸包内。
• 速度曲线。贝塞尔曲线 𝐵(𝑡) 的导数曲线 𝐵′(𝑡) 被称为速度曲线,它也是一个由控制点定义的贝塞尔曲线,其中控制点为 𝑛 ∙ (𝑐𝑖+1− 𝑐𝑖),其中 𝑛 是阶数。
• 固定时间间隔。贝塞尔曲线始终在 [0,1] 上定义。
B j ( t ) = c j 0 b n 0 ( t ) + c j 1 b n 1 ( t ) + ⋯ + c j n b n n ( t ) = ∑ i = 0 n c j i ⏟ 控制点 b n i ( t ) ⏟ B e r n s t e i n 参数表达式 b n i ( t ) = ( n t ) ⋅ t i ⋅ ( 1 − t ) n − i B_j(t) = c_j^0b_n^0(t) + c_j^1b_n^1(t) + \cdots + c_j^nb_n^n(t) = \sum_{i=0}^n\underbrace{c_j^i}_{控制点}\underbrace{b_n^i(t)}_{Bernstein参数表达式} \\ b_n^i(t) = \begin{pmatrix} n\\t \end{pmatrix} \cdot t^i \cdot (1-t)^{n-i} Bj(t)=cj0bn0(t)+cj1bn1(t)++cjnbnn(t)=i=0n控制点 cjiBernstein参数表达式 bni(t)bni(t)=(nt)ti(1t)ni

def bernstein_poly(n, i, t):
    Bernstein polynom.
    :param n: (int) polynom degree
    :param i: (int)
    :param t: (float)
    :return: (float)
    return scipy.special.comb(n, i) * t ** i * (1 - t) ** (n - i)

def bezier(t, control_points):
    Return one point on the bezier curve.
    :param t: (float) number in [0, 1]
    :param control_points: (numpy array)
    :return: (numpy array) Coordinates of the point
    n = len(control_points) - 1
    return np.sum([bernstein_poly(n, i, t) * control_points[i] for i in range(n + 1)], axis=0)


def calc_4points_bezier_path(sx, sy, syaw, ex, ey, eyaw, offset):
    Compute control points and path given start and end position.
    :param sx: (float) x-coordinate of the starting point
    :param sy: (float) y-coordinate of the starting point
    :param syaw: (float) yaw angle at start
    :param ex: (float) x-coordinate of the ending point
    :param ey: (float) y-coordinate of the ending point
    :param eyaw: (float) yaw angle at the end
    :param offset: (float)
    :return: (numpy array, numpy array)
    dist = np.hypot(sx - ex, sy - ey) / offset
    control_points = np.array(
        [[sx, sy],
         [sx + dist * np.cos(syaw), sy + dist * np.sin(syaw)],
         [ex - dist * np.cos(eyaw), ey - dist * np.sin(eyaw)],
         [ex, ey]])

    path = calc_bezier_path(control_points, n_points=170)

    return path, control_points

def calc_6points_bezier_path(sx, sy, syaw, ex, ey, eyaw, offset):
    Compute control points and path given start and end position.
    :param sx: (float) x-coordinate of the starting point
    :param sy: (float) y-coordinate of the starting point
    :param syaw: (float) yaw angle at start
    :param ex: (float) x-coordinate of the ending point
    :param ey: (float) y-coordinate of the ending point
    :param eyaw: (float) yaw angle at the end
    :param offset: (float)
    :return: (numpy array, numpy array)

    dist = np.hypot(sx - ex, sy - ey) * offset
    control_points = np.array(
        [[sx, sy],
         [sx + 0.25 * dist * np.cos(syaw), sy + 0.25 * dist * np.sin(syaw)],
         [sx + 0.40 * dist * np.cos(syaw), sy + 0.40 * dist * np.sin(syaw)],
         [ex - 0.40 * dist * np.cos(eyaw), ey - 0.40 * dist * np.sin(eyaw)],
         [ex - 0.25 * dist * np.cos(eyaw), ey - 0.25 * dist * np.sin(eyaw)],
         [ex, ey]])

    path = calc_bezier_path(control_points, n_points=170)

    return path, control_points

def calc_bezier_path(control_points, n_points=100):
    Compute bezier path (trajectory) given control points.
    :param control_points: (numpy array)
    :param n_points: (int) number of points in the trajectory
    :return: (numpy array)
    traj = []
    for t in np.linspace(0, 1, n_points):
        traj.append(bezier(t, control_points))

    return np.array(traj)


    # Bezier path one as per the approach suggested in
    def cubic_bezier_path(self, ax, ay):

        dyaw, _ = self.calc_yaw_curvature(ax, ay)
        cx = []
        cy = []
        ayaw = dyaw.copy()

        for n in range(1, len(ax)-1):
            yaw = 0.5*(dyaw[n] + dyaw[n-1])
            ayaw[n] = yaw

        last_ax = ax[0]
        last_ay = ay[0]
        last_ayaw = ayaw[0]

        # for n waypoints, there are n-1 bezier curves
        for i in range(len(ax)-1):

            path, ctr_points = calc_4points_bezier_path(last_ax, last_ay, ayaw[i], ax[i+1], ay[i+1], ayaw[i+1], 2.0)
            cx = np.concatenate((cx, path.T[0][:-2]))
            cy = np.concatenate((cy, path.T[1][:-2]))
            cyaw, k = self.calc_yaw_curvature(cx, cy)
            last_ax = path.T[0][-1]
            last_ay = path.T[1][-1]

        return cx, cy

代价函数计算包括:曲率代价 + 偏差代价 + 距离代价 + 连续性代价,同时还有边界条件,轨迹必须在tube内的不等式约束,以及问题优化求解。具体代码实现如下:

    # Objective function of cost to be minimized
    def cubic_objective_func(self, deviation):

        ax = self.waypoints.x.copy()
        ay = self.waypoints.y.copy()

        for n in range(0, len(deviation)):
            ax[n+1] -= deviation[n]*np.sin(self.waypoints.yaw[n+1])
            ay[n+1] += deviation[n]*np.cos(self.waypoints.yaw[n+1])

        bx, by = self.cubic_bezier_path(ax, ay)
        yaw, k = self.calc_yaw_curvature(bx, by)

        # cost of curvature continuity
        t = np.zeros((len(k)))
        dk = self.calc_d(t, k)
        absolute_dk = np.absolute(dk)
        continuity_cost = 10.0 * np.mean(absolute_dk)

        # curvature cost
        absolute_k = np.absolute(k)
        curvature_cost = 14.0 * np.mean(absolute_k)
        # cost of deviation from input waypoints
        absolute_dev = np.absolute(deviation)
        deviation_cost = 1.0 * np.mean(absolute_dev)

        distance_cost = 0.5 * self.calc_path_dist(bx, by)

        return curvature_cost + deviation_cost + distance_cost + continuity_cost
# Minimize objective function using scipy optimize minimize
    def optimize_min_cubic(self):

        print("Attempting optimization minima")

        initial_guess = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        bnds = ((-self.bound, self.bound), (-self.bound, self.bound), (-self.bound, self.bound), (-self.bound, self.bound), (-self.bound, self.bound))
        result = optimize.minimize(self.cubic_objective_func, initial_guess, bounds=bnds)

        ax = self.waypoints.x.copy()
        ay = self.waypoints.y.copy()

        if result.success:
            print("optimized true")
            deviation = result.x
            for n in range(0, len(deviation)):
                ax[n+1] -= deviation[n]*np.sin(self.waypoints.yaw[n+1])
                ay[n+1] += deviation[n]*np.cos(self.waypoints.yaw[n+1])

            x, y = self.cubic_bezier_path(ax, ay)
            yaw, k = self.calc_yaw_curvature(x, y)
            self.optimized_path = Path(x, y, yaw, k)

            print("optimization failure, defaulting")


带有障碍物的场景,通过代价函数让生成的曲线远离障碍物。从而得到一条可以安全行走的轨迹,下面是具体的代码实现。optimizer_k中lambda函数f就是在求解轨迹在经过障碍物附近时候的代价,penalty1、penalty2就是在求曲线经过障碍物附近的具体代价值;b.arc_len(granuality=10)+B.arc_len(granuality=10)+m_k + penalty1 + penalty2就是轨迹的整体代价。for循环部分用scipy的optimize的minimize来求解轨迹。

def optimizer_k(cd, k, path, i, obs, curve_penalty_multiplier, curve_penalty_divider, curve_penalty_obst):
    """Bezier curve optimizer that optimizes the curvature and path length by changing the distance of p1 and p2 from
     points p0 and p3, respectively. """
    p_tmp = copy.deepcopy(path)
    if i+3 > len(path)-1:
        b = CubicBezier()
        b.p0 = p_tmp[i]
        x, y = calc_p1(p_tmp[i], p_tmp[i + 1], p_tmp[i - 1], i, cd[0])
        b.p1 = Point(x, y)
        x, y = calc_p2(p_tmp[i-1], p_tmp[i + 0], p_tmp[i + 1], i, cd[1])
        b.p2 = Point(x, y)
        b.p3 = p_tmp[i + 1]
        B = CubicBezier()
        b = CubicBezier()
        b.p0 = p_tmp[i]
        x, y = calc_p1(p_tmp[i],p_tmp[i+1],p_tmp[i-1], i, cd[0])
        b.p1 = Point(x, y)
        x, y = calc_p2(p_tmp[i],p_tmp[i+1],p_tmp[i+2], i, cd[1])
        b.p2 = Point(x, y)
        b.p3 = p_tmp[i + 1]
        B = CubicBezier()
        B.p0 = p_tmp[i]
        x, y = calc_p1(p_tmp[i+1], p_tmp[i + 2], p_tmp[i], i, 10)
        B.p1 = Point(x, y)
        x, y = calc_p2(p_tmp[i+1], p_tmp[i + 2], p_tmp[i + 3], i, 10)
        B.p2 = Point(x, y)
        B.p3 = p_tmp[i + 1]

    m_k = b.max_k()
    if m_k>k:
        m_k= m_k*curve_penalty_multiplier
        m_k = m_k/curve_penalty_divider

    f = lambda x, y: max(math.sqrt((x[0] - y[0].x) ** 2 + (x[1] - y[0].y) ** 2) * curve_penalty_obst, 10) if math.sqrt(
        (x[0] - y[0].x) ** 2 + (x[1] - y[0].y) ** 2) < y[1] else 0
    b_t = b.calc_curve(granuality=10)
    b_t = zip(b_t[0],b_t[1])
    B_t = B.calc_curve(granuality=10)
    B_t = zip(B_t[0], B_t[1])
    penalty1 = 0
    penalty2 = 0
    for o in obs:
        for t in b_t:
            penalty1 = max(penalty1,f(t,o))
        for t in B_t:
            penalty2 = max(penalty2,f(t,o))
    return b.arc_len(granuality=10)+B.arc_len(granuality=10)+m_k + penalty1 + penalty2

# Optimize the initial path for n_path_opt cycles
for m in range(n_path_opt):
    if m%2:
        for i in range(1,len(path)-1):
                x0 = [0.0, 0.0]
                bounds = Bounds([-1, -1], [1, 1])
                res = minimize(optimizer_p, x0, args=(path, i, obs, path_penalty), method='TNC', tol=1e-7, bounds=bounds)
                x, y = res.x
                path[i].x += x
                path[i].y += y
        for i in range(len(path)-1,1):
                x0 = [0.0, 0.0]
                bounds = Bounds([-1, -1], [1, 1])
                res = minimize(optimizer_p, x0, args=(path, i, obs, path_penalty), method='TNC', tol=1e-7, bounds=bounds)
                x, y = res.x
                path[i].x += x
                path[i].y += y


• 飞行走廊由凸多边形组成。
• 每个立方体对应于一段贝塞尔曲线。
• 此曲线的控制点被强制限制在多边形内部。
• 轨迹完全位于所有点的凸包内。



   # 根据输入路径对空间进行凸分解
    def decomp(self, line_points: list[np.array], obs_points: list[np.array], visualize=True):
        # 最终结果
        decomp_polygons = list()
        # 构建输入障碍物点的kdtree
        obs_kdtree = KDTree(obs_points)
        # 进行空间分解
        for i in range(len(line_points) - 1):
            # 得到当前线段
            pf, pr = line_points[i], line_points[i + 1]
            # 构建初始多面体
            init_polygon = self.initPolygon(pf, pr)
            # 过滤障碍物点
            candidate_obs_point_indexes = obs_kdtree.query_ball_point((pf + pr) / 2, np.linalg.norm([np.linalg.norm(pr - pf) / 2 + self.consider_range_, self.consider_range_]))
            local_obs_points = list()
            for index in candidate_obs_point_indexes:
                if init_polygon.inside(obs_points[index]):
            # 得到初始椭圆
            ellipse = self.findEllipse(pf, pr, local_obs_points)
            # 根据初始椭圆构建多面体
            polygon = self.findPolygon(ellipse, init_polygon, local_obs_points)
            # 进行保存

            if visualize:
                # 进行可视化
                # 绘制路径段
                plt.plot([pf[1], pr[1]], [pf[0], pr[0]], color="red")
                # 绘制初始多面体
                verticals = init_polygon.getVerticals()
                # 绘制多面体顶点
                plt.plot([v[1] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][1]], [v[0] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][0]], color="blue", linestyle="--")
                # 绘制障碍物点
                plt.scatter([p[1] for p in local_obs_points], [p[0] for p in local_obs_points], marker="o")
                # 绘制椭圆
                ellipse_x, ellipse_y = list(), list()
                for theta in np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000):
                    raw_point = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])
                    ellipse_point =, raw_point) + ellipse.d_
                plt.plot(ellipse_y, ellipse_x, color="orange")
                # 绘制最终多面体
                # 得到多面体顶点
                verticals = polygon.getVerticals()
                # 绘制多面体顶点
                plt.plot([v[1] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][1]], [v[0] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][0]], color="green")

        return decomp_polygons
    # 构建初始多面体
    def initPolygon(self, pf: np.array, pr: np.array) -> Polygon:
        # 记录多面体的平面
        polygon_planes = list()
        # 得到线段方向向量
        dire = self.normalize(pr - pf)
        # 得到线段法向量
        dire_h = np.array([dire[1], -dire[0]])
        # 得到平行范围
        p_1 = pf + self.consider_range_ * dire_h
        p_2 = pf - self.consider_range_ * dire_h
        polygon_planes.append(Hyperplane(dire_h, p_1))
        polygon_planes.append(Hyperplane(-dire_h, p_2))
        # 得到垂直范围
        p_3 = pr + self.consider_range_ * dire
        p_4 = pf - self.consider_range_ * dire
        polygon_planes.append(Hyperplane(dire, p_3))
        polygon_planes.append(Hyperplane(-dire, p_4))
        # 构建多面体
        polygon = Polygon(polygon_planes)
        return polygon

    # 得到初始椭圆
    def findEllipse(self, pf: np.array, pr: np.array, obs_points: list[np.array]) -> Ellipse:
        # 计算长轴
        long_axis_value = np.linalg.norm(pr - pf) / 2
        axes = np.array([long_axis_value, long_axis_value])
        # 计算旋转
        rotation = self.vec2Rotation(pr - pf)
        # 计算初始椭圆
        C =,[[axes[0], 0], [0, axes[1]]]), np.transpose(rotation)))
        d = (pr + pf) / 2
        ellipse = Ellipse(C, d)
        # 得到椭圆内的障碍物点
        inside_obs_points = ellipse.insidePoints(obs_points)
        # 对椭圆进行调整,使得全部障碍物点都在椭圆外
        while inside_obs_points:
            # 得到与椭圆距离最近的点
            closest_obs_point = ellipse.closestPoint(inside_obs_points)
            # 将最近点转到椭圆坐标系下
            closest_obs_point =, closest_obs_point - ellipse.d_) 
            # 根据最近点,在椭圆长轴不变的情况下对短轴进行改变,使得,障碍物点在椭圆上
            if Compare.small(closest_obs_point[0], axes[0]):
                axes[1] = np.abs(closest_obs_point[1]) / np.sqrt(1 - (closest_obs_point[0] / axes[0]) ** 2)
            # 更新椭圆
            ellipse.C_ =,[[axes[0], 0], [0, axes[1]]]), np.transpose(rotation)))
            # 更新椭圆内部障碍物
            inside_obs_points = ellipse.insidePoints(inside_obs_points, include_bound=False)
        return ellipse

    # 进行多面体的构建
    def findPolygon(self, ellipse: Ellipse, init_polygon: Polygon, obs_points: list[np.array]) -> Polygon:
        # 多面体由多个超平面构成
        polygon_planes = copy.deepcopy(init_polygon.hyper_planes_)
        # 初始化范围超平面
        remain_obs_points = obs_points
        while remain_obs_points:
            # 得到与椭圆最近障碍物
            closest_point = ellipse.closestPoint(remain_obs_points)
            # 计算该处的切平面的法向量
            norm_vector =,, (closest_point - ellipse.d_)))
            norm_vector = self.normalize(norm_vector)
            # 构建平面
            hyper_plane = Hyperplane(norm_vector, closest_point)
            # 保存到多面体平面中
            # 去除切平面外部的障碍物
            new_remain_obs_points = list()
            for point in remain_obs_points:
                if Compare.small(hyper_plane.signDist(point), 0):
            remain_obs_points = new_remain_obs_points
        polygon = Polygon(polygon_planes)
        return polygon


def main():
        # 路径点
    line_points = [np.array([-1.5, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.8]), np.array([1.5, 0.3]), np.array([5, 0.6]), np.array([6, 1.2]), np.array([7.6, 2.2])]
    # 障碍物点
    obs_points = [
        np.array([4, 2.0]),
        np.array([6, 3.0]),
        np.array([2, 1.5]),
        np.array([0, 1]),
        np.array([1, 0]),
        np.array([1.8, 0]),
        np.array([3.8, 2]),
        np.array([0.5, 1.2]),
        np.array([4.3, 0]),
        np.array([8, 0.9]),
        np.array([2.8, -0.3]),
        np.array([6, -0.9]),
        np.array([-0.5, -0.5]),
        np.array([-0.75 ,-0.5]),
        np.array([-1, -0.5]),
        np.array([-1, 0.8])

    convex_decomp = ConvexDecomp(2)
    decomp_polygons = convex_decomp.decomp(line_points, obs_points, False)
    #convex_decomp.decomp(line_points, obs_points,False)
    # 绘制障碍物点
    plt.scatter([p[0] for p in obs_points], [p[1] for p in obs_points], marker="o")
    # 绘制边界
    for polygon in decomp_polygons:
        verticals = polygon.getVerticals()
        # 绘制多面体顶点
        plt.plot([v[0] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][0]], [v[1] for v in verticals] + [verticals[0][1]], color="green")
    #plt.plot(x_samples, y_samples)



    # 进行优化
    def optimize(self, start_state: np.array, end_state: np.array, line_points: list[np.array], polygons: list[Polygon]):
        assert(len(line_points) == len(polygons) + 1)
        # 得到分段数量
        segment_num = len(polygons)
        assert(segment_num >= 1)
        # 计算初始时间分配
        time_allocations = list()
        for i in range(segment_num):
            time_allocations.append(np.linalg.norm(line_points[i+1] - line_points[i]) / self.vel_max_)
        # 进行优化迭代
        max_inter = 10
        cur_iter = 0
        while cur_iter < max_inter:
            # 进行轨迹优化
            piece_wise_trajectory = self.optimizeIter(start_state, end_state, polygons, time_allocations, segment_num)
            # 对优化轨迹进行时间调整,以保证轨迹满足运动上限约束
            cur_iter += 1
            # 计算每一段轨迹的最大速度,最大加速度,最大jerk
            condition_fit = True
            for n in range(segment_num):
                # 得到最大速度,最大加速度,最大jerk
                t_samples = np.linspace(0, time_allocations[n], 100)
                v_max, a_max, j_max = self.vel_max_, self.acc_max_, self.jerk_max_
                for t_sample in t_samples:
                    v_max = max(v_max, np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][0].derivative(t_sample)), np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][1].derivative(t_sample)))
                    a_max = max(a_max, np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][0].secondOrderDerivative(t_sample)), np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][1].secondOrderDerivative(t_sample)))
                    j_max = max(j_max, np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][0].thirdOrderDerivative(t_sample)), np.abs(piece_wise_trajectory.trajectory_segments_[n][1].thirdOrderDerivative(t_sample)))
                # 判断是否满足约束条件
                if Compare.large(v_max, self.vel_max_) or Compare.large(a_max, self.acc_max_) or Compare.large(j_max, self.jerk_max_):
                    ratio = max(1, v_max / self.vel_max_, (a_max / self.acc_max_)**0.5, (j_max / self.jerk_max_)**(1/3))
                    time_allocations[n] = ratio * time_allocations[n]
                    condition_fit = False
            if condition_fit:
        return piece_wise_trajectory
    # 优化迭代
    def optimizeIter(self, start_state: np.array, end_state: np.array, polygons: list[Polygon], time_allocations: list, segment_num):
        # 构建目标函数 inter (jerk)^2
        inte_jerk_square = np.array([
            [720.0, -1800.0, 1200.0, 0.0, 0.0, -120.0],
            [-1800.0, 4800.0, -3600.0, 0.0, 600.0, 0.0],
            [1200.0, -3600.0, 3600.0, -1200.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [0.0, 0.0, -1200.0, 3600.0, -3600.0, 1200.0],
            [0.0, 600.0, 0.0, -3600.0, 4800.0, -1800.0],
            [-120.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1200.0, -1800.0, 720.0]
        # 二次项系数
        P = np.zeros((self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_, self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_))
        for sigma in range(self.dim_):
            for n in range(segment_num):
                for i in range(self.freedom_):
                    for j in range(self.freedom_):
                        index_i = sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + i
                        index_j = sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + j
                        P[index_i][index_j] = inte_jerk_square[i][j] / (time_allocations[n] ** 5)
        P = P * 2
        P = sparse.csc_matrix(P)
        # 一次项系数
        q = np.zeros((self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_,))

        # 构建约束条件
        equality_constraints_num = 5 * self.dim_ + 3 * (segment_num - 1) * self.dim_
        inequality_constraints_num = 0
        for polygon in polygons:
            inequality_constraints_num += self.freedom_ * len(polygon.hyper_planes_)

        A = np.zeros((equality_constraints_num + inequality_constraints_num, self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_))
        lb = -float("inf") * np.ones((equality_constraints_num + inequality_constraints_num,))
        ub = float("inf") * np.ones((equality_constraints_num + inequality_constraints_num,))
        # 构建等式约束条件(起点位置、速度、加速度;终点位置、速度;连接处的零、一、二阶导数)
        # 起点x位置
        A[0][0] = 1
        lb[0] = start_state[0]
        ub[0] = start_state[0]
        # 起点y位置
        A[1][segment_num * self.freedom_] = 1
        lb[1] = start_state[1]
        ub[1] = start_state[1]
        # 起点x速度
        A[2][0] = -5 / time_allocations[0]
        A[2][1] = 5 / time_allocations[0]
        lb[2] = start_state[2]
        ub[2] = start_state[2]
        # 起点y速度
        A[3][segment_num * self.freedom_] = -5 / time_allocations[0]
        A[3][segment_num * self.freedom_ + 1] = 5 / time_allocations[0]
        lb[3] = start_state[3]
        ub[3] = start_state[3]
        # 起点x加速度
        A[4][0] = 20 / time_allocations[0]**2
        A[4][1] = -40 / time_allocations[0]**2
        A[4][2] = 20 / time_allocations[0]**2
        lb[4] = start_state[4]
        ub[4] = start_state[4]
        # 起点y加速度
        A[5][segment_num * self.freedom_] = 20 / time_allocations[0]**2
        A[5][segment_num * self.freedom_ + 1] = -40 / time_allocations[0]**2
        A[5][segment_num * self.freedom_ + 2] = 20 / time_allocations[0]**2
        lb[5] = start_state[5]
        ub[5] = start_state[5]
        # 终点x位置
        A[6][segment_num * self.freedom_ - 1] = 1
        lb[6] = end_state[0]
        ub[6] = end_state[0]
        # 终点y位置
        A[7][self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_ - 1] = 1
        lb[7] = end_state[1]
        ub[7] = end_state[1]
        # 终点x速度
        A[8][segment_num * self.freedom_ - 1] = 5 / time_allocations[-1]
        A[8][segment_num * self.freedom_ - 2] = -5 / time_allocations[-1]
        lb[8] = end_state[2]
        ub[8] = end_state[2]
        # 终点y速度
        A[9][self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_ - 1] = 5 / time_allocations[-1]
        A[9][self.dim_ * segment_num * self.freedom_ - 2] = -5 / time_allocations[-1]
        lb[9] = end_state[3]
        ub[9] = end_state[3]

        # 连接处的零阶导数相等
        constraints_index = 10
        for sigma in range(self.dim_):
            for n in range(segment_num - 1):
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 1] = 1
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_] = -1
                lb[constraints_index] = 0
                ub[constraints_index] = 0
                constraints_index += 1
        # 连接处的一阶导数相等
        for sigma in range(self.dim_):
            for n in range(segment_num - 1):
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 1] = 5 / time_allocations[n]
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 2] = -5 / time_allocations[n]
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_] = 5 / time_allocations[n + 1]
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_ + 1] = -5 / time_allocations[n + 1]
                lb[constraints_index] = 0
                ub[constraints_index] = 0
                constraints_index += 1
        # 连接处的二阶导数相等
        for sigma in range(self.dim_):
            for n in range(segment_num - 1):
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 1] = 20 / time_allocations[n]**2
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 2] = -40 / time_allocations[n]**2
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ - 3] = 20 / time_allocations[n]**2
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_] = -20 / time_allocations[n + 1]**2
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_ + 1] = 40 / time_allocations[n + 1]**2
                A[constraints_index][sigma * segment_num * self.freedom_ + (n+1) * self.freedom_ + 2] = -20 / time_allocations[n + 1]**2
                lb[constraints_index] = 0
                ub[constraints_index] = 0
                constraints_index += 1
        # 构建不等式约束条件
        for n in range(segment_num):
            for k in range(self.freedom_):
                for hyper_plane in polygons[n].hyper_planes_:
                    A[constraints_index][n * self.freedom_ + k] = hyper_plane.n_[0]
                    A[constraints_index][segment_num * self.freedom_ + n * self.freedom_ + k] = hyper_plane.n_[1]
                    ub[constraints_index] =, hyper_plane.d_)
                    constraints_index += 1
        assert(constraints_index == equality_constraints_num + inequality_constraints_num)
        A = sparse.csc_matrix(A)
        # 进行qp求解
        prob = osqp.OSQP()
        prob.setup(P, q, A, lb, ub, warm_start=True)
        res = prob.solve()
        if != "solved":
            raise ValueError("OSQP did not solve the problem!")

        # 根据参数进行轨迹解析
        trajectory_x_params, trajectory_y_params = list(), list()
        for n in range(segment_num):
            trajectory_x_params.append(res.x[self.freedom_ * n: self.freedom_ * (n+1)])
            trajectory_y_params.append(res.x[segment_num * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ * n: segment_num * self.freedom_ + self.freedom_ * (n+1)])
        piece_wise_trajectory = PieceWiseTrajectory(trajectory_x_params, trajectory_y_params, time_allocations)
        return piece_wise_trajectory


这一系列的文章已经进入结尾的阶段,后面会简单介绍在碰到移动的物体时候单机器人如何处理;以及在多个机器人运行环境如何协同,最后会给出一个Motion Planning的综合实现例子讲解实际环境数据输入、前端规划、后端轨迹生成。至于定位和感知部分的内容后面可以根据情况而定是否在开一个新的系列来讲解介绍,对于更前沿的技术点会跟进论文做些文章分享。
GitHub - liangwq/robot_motion_planing: 移动机器人轨迹生成相关代码





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