Hyperledger Fabric 通道配置文件解析

fabric 版本 v2.4.1

Fabric 网络是分布式系统,采用通道配置(Channel Configuration)来定义共享账本的各项行为。通道配置的管理对于网络功能至关重要。


用户可采用 configtx.yaml 文件初始化通道配置,使用配置更新交易更新通道配置。

configtx.yaml 配置文件一般包括若干字段:Organizations、Capabilities、Channel、Orderer、Application 和 Profiles。用户可指定直接使用其中某个 Profile,自动引用其他字段中的定义。

Organizations一系列组织的结构定义,包括名称、MSP 路径、读写和管理权限、锚节点等,可被 Profiles 等部分引用
Capabilities一系列能力定义,如通道、排序服务、应用等的能力,可被 Channel 等部分引用
Channel定义通道相关的默认配置,包括读写和管理权限、能力等,可被 Prof iles 等部分引用
Orderer与排序服务相关的配置,包括排序服务类型、地址、切块时间和大小、参与排序服务的组织、权限和能力,可被 Profiles 等部分引用
Application与应用通道相关的配置,主要包括默认访问控制权限、参与应用网络的组织、权限和能力,可被 Prof iles 等部分引用
Profiles一系列的配置定义,包括指定排序服务配置、应用配置和联盟配置等,直接被 configtxgen 工具指定使用

Organizations 部分


    # SampleOrg defines an MSP using the sampleconfig. It should never be used
    # in production but may be used as a template for other definitions.
    - &OrdererOrg
        # Name is the key by which this org will be referenced in channel
        # configuration transactions.
        # Name can include alphanumeric characters as well as dots and dashes.
        Name: OrdererOrg

        # SkipAsForeign can be set to true for org definitions which are to be
        # inherited from the orderer system channel during channel creation.  This
        # is especially useful when an admin of a single org without access to the
        # MSP directories of the other orgs wishes to create a channel.  Note
        # this property must always be set to false for orgs included in block
        # creation.
        SkipAsForeign: false

        # ID is the key by which this org's MSP definition will be referenced.
        # ID can include alphanumeric characters as well as dots and dashes.
        ID: OrdererMSP

        # MSPDir is the filesystem path which contains the MSP configuration.
        MSPDir: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/msp

        # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
        # For organization policies, their canonical path is usually
        #   /Channel/<Application|Orderer>/<OrgName>/<PolicyName>
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.member')"
                # If your MSP is configured with the new NodeOUs, you might
                # want to use a more specific rule like the following:
                # Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.admin', 'SampleOrg.peer', 'SampleOrg.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.member')"
                # If your MSP is configured with the new NodeOUs, you might
                # want to use a more specific rule like the following:
                # Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.admin', 'SampleOrg.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.admin')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.member')"

        # OrdererEndpoints is a list of all orderers this org runs which clients
        # and peers may to connect to to push transactions and receive blocks respectively.
            - "orderer0.example.com:7050"
            - "orderer1.example.com:8050"
            - "orderer2.example.com:9050"

        # AnchorPeers defines the location of peers which can be used for
        # cross-org gossip communication.
        # NOTE: this value should only be set when using the deprecated
        # `configtxgen --outputAnchorPeersUpdate` command. It is recommended
        # to instead use the channel configuration update process to set the
        # anchor peers for each organization.
        #    - Host:
        #      Port: 7051

    - &Org1

        Name: Org1MSP
        ID: Org1MSP
        MSPDir: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/msp
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org1MSP.admin', 'Org1MSP.peer', 'Org1MSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org1MSP.admin', 'Org1MSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org1MSP.admin')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org1MSP.peer')"
            - Host: peer0.org1.example.com
              Port: 7051

    - &Org2

        Name: Org2MSP
        ID: Org2MSP
        MSPDir: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/msp
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org2MSP.admin', 'Org2MSP.peer', 'Org2MSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org2MSP.admin', 'Org2MSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org2MSP.admin')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('Org2MSP.peer')"
            - Host: peer0.org2.example.com
              Port: 7051
SkipAsForeign指定在创建新通道时是否从系统通道内继承该组织,configtxgen 会忽略从本地读取
MSPDirMSP 文件本地路径
AnchorPeers锚节点地址,用于跨组织的 gossip 信息交换

Capabilities 部分

Capabilities 字段主要定义一系列能力模板,分为通道能力、排序服务能力和应用能力三种类型,可被其他部分引用.

#   This section defines the capabilities of fabric network. This is a new
#   concept as of v1.1.0 and should not be utilized in mixed networks with
#   v1.0.x peers and orderers.  Capabilities define features which must be
#   present in a fabric binary for that binary to safely participate in the
#   fabric network.  For instance, if a new MSP type is added, newer binaries
#   might recognize and validate the signatures from this type, while older
#   binaries without this support would be unable to validate those
#   transactions.  This could lead to different versions of the fabric binaries
#   having different world states.  Instead, defining a capability for a channel
#   informs those binaries without this capability that they must cease
#   processing transactions until they have been upgraded.  For v1.0.x if any
#   capabilities are defined (including a map with all capabilities turned off)
#   then the v1.0.x peer will deliberately crash.
    # Channel capabilities apply to both the orderers and the peers and must be
    # supported by both.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Channel: &ChannelCapabilities
        # V2.0 for Channel is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers and peers running at the v2.0.0
        # level, but which would be incompatible with orderers and peers from
        # prior releases.
        # Prior to enabling V2.0 channel capabilities, ensure that all
        # orderers and peers on a channel are at v2.0.0 or later.
        V2_0: true

    # Orderer capabilities apply only to the orderers, and may be safely
    # used with prior release peers.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
        # V1.1 for Orderer is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers running at the v1.1.x
        # level, but which would be incompatible with orderers from prior releases.
        # Prior to enabling V2.0 orderer capabilities, ensure that all
        # orderers on a channel are at v2.0.0 or later.
        V2_0: true

    # Application capabilities apply only to the peer network, and may be safely
    # used with prior release orderers.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
        # V2.0 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v2.0.
        # Prior to enabling V2.0 orderer capabilities, ensure that all
        # orderers on a channel are at v2.0.0 or later.
        V2_0: true

Channel 部分


#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for channel related parameters.
Channel: &ChannelDefaults
    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Channel policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/<PolicyName>
        # Who may invoke the 'Deliver' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
        # Who may invoke the 'Broadcast' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
        # By default, who may modify elements at this config level
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

    # Capabilities describes the channel level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *ChannelCapabilities

Orderere 部分

Orderer 字段定义与排序服务相关的配置,包括排序服务类型、地址、切块时间和大小、最大通道数、参与排序服务的组织、权限和能力。

#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for orderer related parameters.
Orderer: &OrdererDefaults

    # Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start.
    # Available types are "solo", "kafka" and "etcdraft".
    OrdererType: etcdraft

    # Addresses used to be the list of orderer addresses that clients and peers
    # could connect to.  However, this does not allow clients to associate orderer
    # addresses and orderer organizations which can be useful for things such
    # as TLS validation.  The preferred way to specify orderer addresses is now
    # to include the OrdererEndpoints item in your org definition
        - orderer0.example.com:7050
        - orderer1.example.com:8050
        - orderer2.example.com:9050

    # Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch.
    BatchTimeout: 2s

    # Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block.
    # The orderer views messages opaquely, but typically, messages may
    # be considered to be Fabric transactions.  The 'batch' is the group
    # of messages in the 'data' field of the block.  Blocks will be a few kb
    # larger than the batch size, when signatures, hashes, and other metadata
    # is applied.

        # Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a
        # batch.  No block will contain more than this number of messages.
        MaxMessageCount: 500

        # Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for
        # the serialized messages in a batch. The maximum block size is this value
        # plus the size of the associated metadata (usually a few KB depending
        # upon the size of the signing identities). Any transaction larger than
        # this value will be rejected by ordering.
        # It is recommended not to exceed 49 MB, given the default grpc max message size of 100 MB
        # configured on orderer and peer nodes (and allowing for message expansion during communication).
        AbsoluteMaxBytes: 10 MB

        # Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed
        # for the serialized messages in a batch. Roughly, this field may be considered
        # the best effort maximum size of a batch. A batch will fill with messages
        # until this size is reached (or the max message count, or batch timeout is
        # exceeded).  If adding a new message to the batch would cause the batch to
        # exceed the preferred max bytes, then the current batch is closed and written
        # to a block, and a new batch containing the new message is created.  If a
        # message larger than the preferred max bytes is received, then its batch
        # will contain only that message.  Because messages may be larger than
        # preferred max bytes (up to AbsoluteMaxBytes), some batches may exceed
        # the preferred max bytes, but will always contain exactly one transaction.
        PreferredMaxBytes: 2 MB

    # Max Channels is the maximum number of channels to allow on the ordering
    # network. When set to 0, this implies no maximum number of channels.
    MaxChannels: 0

        # Brokers: A list of Kafka brokers to which the orderer connects. Edit
        # this list to identify the brokers of the ordering service.
        # NOTE: Use IP:port notation.
            - kafka0:9092
            - kafka1:9092
            - kafka2:9092

    # EtcdRaft defines configuration which must be set when the "etcdraft"
    # orderertype is chosen.
        # The set of Raft replicas for this network. For the etcd/raft-based
        # implementation, we expect every replica to also be an OSN. Therefore,
        # a subset of the host:port items enumerated in this list should be
        # replicated under the Orderer.Addresses key above.
            - Host: orderer0.example.com
              Port: 7050
              ClientTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer0.example.com/tls/server.crt
              ServerTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer0.example.com/tls/server.crt
            - Host: orderer1.example.com
              Port: 8050
              ClientTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer1.example.com/tls/server.crt
              ServerTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer1.example.com/tls/server.crt
            - Host: orderer2.example.com
              Port: 9050
              ClientTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer2.example.com/tls/server.crt
              ServerTLSCert: /usr/project/fabric-docker-multiple/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer2.example.com/tls/server.crt

        # Options to be specified for all the etcd/raft nodes. The values here
        # are the defaults for all new channels and can be modified on a
        # per-channel basis via configuration updates.
            # TickInterval is the time interval between two Node.Tick invocations.
            TickInterval: 500ms

            # ElectionTick is the number of Node.Tick invocations that must pass
            # between elections. That is, if a follower does not receive any
            # message from the leader of current term before ElectionTick has
            # elapsed, it will become candidate and start an election.
            # ElectionTick must be greater than HeartbeatTick.
            ElectionTick: 10

            # HeartbeatTick is the number of Node.Tick invocations that must
            # pass between heartbeats. That is, a leader sends heartbeat
            # messages to maintain its leadership every HeartbeatTick ticks.
            HeartbeatTick: 1

            # MaxInflightBlocks limits the max number of in-flight append messages
            # during optimistic replication phase.
            MaxInflightBlocks: 5

            # SnapshotIntervalSize defines number of bytes per which a snapshot is taken
            SnapshotIntervalSize: 16 MB

    # Organizations lists the orgs participating on the orderer side of the
    # network.

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Orderer policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Orderer/<PolicyName>
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"
        # BlockValidation specifies what signatures must be included in the block
        # from the orderer for the peer to validate it.
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"

    # Capabilities describes the orderer level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *OrdererCapabilities
OrdererType要启动的 orderer 类型,支持 solo , kafka , etcdraftsolo
BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytesbatch 最大字节数,任何时候不能超过10 MB
BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes通常情况下切块大小,极端情况下(比如单个消息就超过)允许超过2 MB
MaxChannels最大支持的应用通道数,0 表示无限0
Kafka采用 Kafka 类型共识时相关配置,仅在 1.x 版本中使用N/A
EtcdRaft采用 EtcdRaft 类型共识时相关配置,推荐在 2.x 版本中使用
EtcdRaft.Options.TickIntervaletcd 集群当作一次 tick 的时间,心跳或选举都以 tick 为基本单位500ms
EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTickfollower 长时间收不到 leader 消息后,开始新一轮选举的时间间隔10
EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize每次快照间隔的大小16 MB
Organizations维护排序服务组织,默认为空,可以在 Profile 中自行定义N/A
Capabilities引用排序服务默认的能力集合<<: *OrdererCapabilities

Application 部分

定义了与应用通道相关的配置,包括默认访问控制权限、参与应用网络的组织、权限和能力。可被 Profiles 部分引用.

#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for application-related parameters.
Application: &ApplicationDefaults
    ACLs: &ACLsDefault
        # This section provides defaults for policies for various resources
        # in the system. These "resources" could be functions on system chaincodes
        # (e.g., "GetBlockByNumber" on the "qscc" system chaincode) or other resources
        # (e.g.,who can receive Block events). This section does NOT specify the resource's
        # definition or API, but just the ACL policy for it.
        # Users can override these defaults with their own policy mapping by defining the
        # mapping under ACLs in their channel definition

        #---New Lifecycle System Chaincode (_lifecycle) function to policy mapping for access control--#

        # ACL policy for _lifecycle's "CheckCommitReadiness" function
        _lifecycle/CheckCommitReadiness: /Channel/Application/Writers

        # ACL policy for _lifecycle's "CommitChaincodeDefinition" function
        _lifecycle/CommitChaincodeDefinition: /Channel/Application/Writers

        # ACL policy for _lifecycle's "QueryChaincodeDefinition" function
        _lifecycle/QueryChaincodeDefinition: /Channel/Application/Writers

        # ACL policy for _lifecycle's "QueryChaincodeDefinitions" function
        _lifecycle/QueryChaincodeDefinitions: /Channel/Application/Writers

        #---Lifecycle System Chaincode (lscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getid" function
        lscc/ChaincodeExists: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getdepspec" function
        lscc/GetDeploymentSpec: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getccdata" function
        lscc/GetChaincodeData: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL Policy for lscc's "getchaincodes" function
        lscc/GetInstantiatedChaincodes: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Query System Chaincode (qscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetChainInfo" function
        qscc/GetChainInfo: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetBlockByNumber" function
        qscc/GetBlockByNumber: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's  "GetBlockByHash" function
        qscc/GetBlockByHash: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetTransactionByID" function
        qscc/GetTransactionByID: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetBlockByTxID" function
        qscc/GetBlockByTxID: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Configuration System Chaincode (cscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for cscc's "GetConfigBlock" function
        cscc/GetConfigBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for cscc's "GetChannelConfig" function
        cscc/GetChannelConfig: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Miscellaneous peer function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for invoking chaincodes on peer
        peer/Propose: /Channel/Application/Writers

        # ACL policy for chaincode to chaincode invocation
        peer/ChaincodeToChaincode: /Channel/Application/Writers

        #---Events resource to policy mapping for access control###---#

        # ACL policy for sending block events
        event/Block: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for sending filtered block events
        event/FilteredBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers

    # Organizations lists the orgs participating on the application side of the
    # network.

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Application policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Application/<PolicyName>
    Policies: &ApplicationDefaultPolicies
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Endorsement"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Endorsement"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

    # Capabilities describes the application level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *ApplicationCapabilities
_lifecycle指定新的 _lifecycle 系统链码的提交,查询方法的默认策略
lscclscc (Lifecycle System Chaincode) 系统链码的方法调用权限
qsccqscc (Query System Chaincode) 系统链码的方法调用权限
cscccscc (Configuration System Chaincode) 系统链码的方法调用权限

Profiles 部分

Profiles 字段定义了一系列的配置模板,每个模板代表了特定应用场景下的自定义的通道配置,可以用来创建系统通道或应用通道。配置模板中可以包括 ApplicationCapabilitiesConsortiumConsortiumsPoliciesOrderer 等配置字段,根据使用目的不同,一般只包括部分字段。

除了通道默认的配置,创建系统通道初始区块的模板一般需要包括 OrdererConsortiums 字段信息(也可以包括 Applicaion 字段定义初始应用通道配置):

● Orderer,指定 Orderer 系统通道自身的配置信息。包括排序服务配置(类型、地址、批处理限制、Kafka 信息、最大应用通道数目等),参与此 Orderer 的组织信息。网络启动时,必须首先创建 Orderer 系统通道。

● Consortiums,Orderer 所服务的联盟列表。每个联盟中组织彼此使用相同的通道创建策略,可以彼此创建应用通道。

应用通道模板中一般至少包括 Application、Consortium 字段信息(Orderer 信息从系统通道自动复制):

● Application,指定属于应用通道的配置信息。主要包括属于通道的组织、能力、ACL 和策略信息。

● Consortium,该应用通道所关联的联盟信息,可以包括一系列组织。

一般建议将 Prof ile 分为 Orderer 系统通道配置(至少包括指定 Orderers 和 Consortiums)和应用通道配置(至少包括指定 Applications 和 Consortium)两种。

注意:在 YAML 文件中,&KEY 所定位的字段信息,可以通过 <<:KEY 语法来引用,相当于导入定位部分的内容。


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室外投光灯及室内无频闪方案:SM2258E 共模雷击3KV

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目录 二级指针 二级指针的用途 多级指针的定义和使用 指针和数组之间的关系 存储指针的数组(指针数组:保存地址值) 指向数组的指针(数组指针) 传参的形式(指针) 数组传参时会退化为指针 void类型的指针 函数指针 定义: 调用:两种方式:(*指针名)(参数地址) 或者 指针…


刚开始设置了半天都不展示单位&#xff0c;后来发现是被挡住了&#xff0c;需要调高top值 // 基于准备好的dom&#xff0c;初始化echarts实例var myChart echarts.init(document.getElementById("echartD"));rankOption {// backgroundColor: #00265f,tooltip: {…

借助 ControlNet 生成艺术二维码 – 基于 Stable Diffusion 的 AI 绘画方案

&#xfeff;背景介绍 在过去的数月中&#xff0c;亚马逊云科技已经推出了多篇 Blog&#xff0c;来介绍如何在亚马逊云科技上部署 Stable Diffusion&#xff0c;或是如何结合 Amazon SageMaker 与 Stable Diffusion 进行模型训练和推理任务。 为了帮助客户快速、安全地在亚马…

解锁前端新潜能:如何使用 Rust 锈化前端工具链

前言 近年来&#xff0c;Rust的受欢迎程度不断上升。首先&#xff0c;在操作系统领域&#xff0c;Rust 已成为 Linux 内核官方认可的开发语言之一&#xff0c;Windows 也宣布将使用 Rust 来重写内核&#xff0c;并重写部分驱动程序。此外&#xff0c;国内手机厂商 Vivo 也宣布…


信号发生器&#xff1a;汉泰克1025G SDK开发资料&#xff1a;http://www.hantek.com.cn/products/detail/48 1.python接口 网上已经有大神制作了python的封装接口&#xff1a;https://github.com/AIMAtlanta/Hantek_1025G 这里为了方便查找就再张贴一遍&#xff1a; # -*- c…

升级 Vite 5 出现警告 The CJS build of Vite‘s Node API is deprecated.

&#x1f680; 作者主页&#xff1a; 有来技术 &#x1f525; 开源项目&#xff1a; youlai-mall &#x1f343; vue3-element-admin &#x1f343; youlai-boot &#x1f33a; 仓库主页&#xff1a; Gitee &#x1f4ab; Github &#x1f4ab; GitCode &#x1f496; 欢迎点赞…


1.1 自定义属性操作 1.1.1 获取属性值 element.属性 element.getAttribute(属性) 区别&#xff1a; element.属性&#xff1a;获取元素内置属性 element.getAttribute(属性)&#xff1a;获取自定义的属性 1.1.2 设置属性值 element.属性 值 element.setAttribute(属性&a…


目录 往期精彩内容&#xff1a; 前言 1 多特征变量数据集制作与预处理 1.1 导入数据 1.2 数据集制作与预处理 2 基于Pytorch的CNN-LSTM 预测模型 2.1 定义CNN-LSTM预测模型 2.2 设置参数&#xff0c;训练模型 3 模型评估与可视化 3.1 结果可视化 3.2 模型评估 代码…


文件和异常 实际开发中常常会遇到对数据进行持久化操作的场景&#xff0c;而实现数据持久化最直接简单的方式就是将数据保存到文件中。说到“文件”这个词&#xff0c;可能需要先科普一下关于文件系统的知识&#xff0c;但是这里我们并不浪费笔墨介绍这个概念&#xff0c;请大…

柯桥小语种学习,留学韩语 生活日常口语 语法

① N이다/A/V/았ㄹ/을지도 모르다 说不定 이미 도착했을 지도 모르니까 전화해 봐요 说不定已经到了&#xff0c;打电话试试 주말에 세일이 있을지도 모르니까 주말에 가 보자 周末说不定会搞活动&#xff0c;我们周末去吧 ② ㄴ/은/는/았었는/ㄹ/을지 모르다 不知道 처음이…


目录 为什么使用指针 函数的值传递&#xff0c;无法通过调用函数&#xff0c;来修改函数的实参 被调用函数需要提供更多的“返回值”给调用函数 减少值传递时带来的额外开销&#xff0c;提高代码执行效率 使用指针前: 使用指针后: 指针的定义: 指针的含义(进阶): 空指针…


我们现在扩展了tile矩阵乘法内核&#xff0c;以处理具有任意宽度的矩阵。扩展必须允许内核正确处理宽度不是tile宽度倍数的矩阵。通过更改图4.14中的示例至33 M、N和P矩阵&#xff0c;图4.18创建了矩阵的宽度为3&#xff0c;不是tile宽度&#xff08;2&#xff09;的倍数。图4.…