添加 常用校验方法,校验常见数据格式


  • 一、前置说明
    • 1、总体目录
    • 2、相关回顾
    • 3、本节目标
  • 二、操作步骤
    • 1、项目目录
    • 2、代码实现
    • 3、测试代码
    • 4、日志输出
  • 三、后置说明
    • 1、要点小结
    • 2、下节准备



  • 《 pyparamvalidate 参数校验器,从编码到发布全过程》


  • 基于 Validator 类实现 ParamValidator,用于校验函数参数
  • 优化 ParamValidator,让编辑器Pycharm智能提示校验方法


  • 添加常用校验方法,校验常见数据格式



  • atme : @me 用于存放临时的代码片断或其它内容。
  • pyparamvalidate : 新建一个与项目名称同名的package,为了方便发布至 pypi
  • core : 用于存放核心代码。
  • tests : 用于存放测试代码。
  • utils : 用于存放一些工具类或方法。



import functools
import inspect
import os
from typing import TypeVar

def _error_prompt(value, exception_msg=None, rule_des=None, field=None):
    default = f'"{value}" is invalid.'
    prompt = exception_msg or rule_des
    prompt = f'{default} due to: {prompt}' if prompt else default
    prompt = f'{field} error: {prompt}' if field else prompt
    return prompt

def raise_exception(func):
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        bound_args = inspect.signature(func).bind(self, *args, **kwargs).arguments

        exception_msg = kwargs.get('exception_msg', None) or bound_args.get('exception_msg', None)
        error_prompt = _error_prompt(self.value, exception_msg, self._rule_des, self._field)

        result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if not result:
            raise ValueError(error_prompt)

        return self

    return wrapper

class RaiseExceptionMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        for key, value in dct.items():
            if isinstance(value, staticmethod):
                dct[key] = staticmethod(raise_exception(value.__func__))

            if isinstance(value, classmethod):
                dct[key] = classmethod(raise_exception(value.__func__))

            if inspect.isfunction(value) and not key.startswith("__"):
                dct[key] = raise_exception(value)

        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

- TypeVar 是 Python 中用于声明类型变量的工具
- 声明一个类型变量,命名为 'Self', 意思为表示类的实例类型
- bound 参数指定泛型类型变量的上界,即限制 'Self' 必须是 'Validator' 类型或其子类型
Self = TypeVar('Self', bound='Validator')

class Validator(metaclass=RaiseExceptionMeta):
    def __init__(self, value, field=None, rule_des=None):
        self.value = value
        self._field = field
        self._rule_des = rule_des

    def is_string(self, exception_msg=None) -> Self:
        将返回类型注解定义为 Self, 支持编辑器如 pycharm 智能提示链式调用方法,如:Validator(input).is_string().is_not_empty()

        - 从 Python 3.5 版本开始支持类型注解
            - 在 Python 3.5 中引入了 PEP 484(Python Enhancement Proposal 484),其中包括了类型注解的概念,并引入了 typing 模块,用于支持类型提示和静态类型检查;
            - 类型注解允许开发者在函数参数、返回值和变量上添加类型信息,但是在运行时,Python 解释器不会检查这些注解是否正确;
            - 它们主要用于提供给静态类型检查器或代码编辑器进行,以提供更好的代码提示和错误检测;
            - Python 运行时并不强制执行这些注解,Python 依然是一门动态类型的语言。

        - 本方法中:
            - 返回值类型为 bool 类型,用于与装饰器函数 raise_exception 配合使用,校验 self.value 是否通过;
            - 为了支持编辑器如 pycharm 智能识别链式调用方法,将返回类型注解定义为 Self, 如:Validator(input).is_string().is_not_empty();
            - Self, 即 'Validator', 由 Self = TypeVar('Self', bound='Validator') 定义;
            - 如果返回类型不为 Self, 编辑器如 pycharm 在 Validator(input).is_string() 之后,不会智能提示 is_not_empty()
        return isinstance(self.value, str)

    def is_int(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, int)

    def is_positive(self, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value > 0

    def is_float(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, float)

    def is_list(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, list)

    def is_dict(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, dict)

    def is_set(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, set)

    def is_tuple(self, exception_msg=None):
        return isinstance(self.value, tuple)

    def is_not_none(self, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value is not None

    def is_not_empty(self, exception_msg=None):
        return bool(self.value)

    def is_allowed_value(self, allowed_values, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value in allowed_values

    def is_specific_value(self, specific_value, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value == specific_value

    def max_length(self, max_length, exception_msg=None):
        return len(self.value) <= max_length

    def min_length(self, min_length, exception_msg=None):
        return len(self.value) >= min_length

    def is_substring(self, super_string, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value in super_string

    def is_subset(self, superset, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value.issubset(superset)

    def is_sublist(self, superlist, exception_msg=None):
        return set(self.value).issubset(set(superlist))

    def contains_substring(self, substring, exception_msg=None):
        return substring in self.value

    def contains_subset(self, subset, exception_msg=None):
        return subset.issubset(self.value)

    def contains_sublist(self, sublist, exception_msg=None):
        return set(sublist).issubset(set(self.value))

    def is_file(self, exception_msg=None):
        return os.path.isfile(self.value)

    def is_dir(self, exception_msg=None):
        return os.path.isdir(self.value)

    def is_file_suffix(self, file_suffix, exception_msg=None):
        return self.value.endswith(file_suffix)

    def is_method(self, exception_msg=None):
        return callable(self.value)



import os

import pytest

from pyparamvalidate.core.validator import Validator

def test_is_string():
    assert Validator("test").is_string(exception_msg='value must be string')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator(123).is_string(exception_msg='value must be string')
    assert "value must be string" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_int():
    assert Validator(42).is_int(exception_msg='value must be integer')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator("test").is_int(exception_msg='value must be integer')
    assert "value must be integer" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_positive():
    assert Validator(42).is_positive(exception_msg='value must be positive')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator(-1).is_positive(exception_msg='value must be positive')
    assert "value must be positive" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_float():
    assert Validator(3.14).is_float(exception_msg='value must be float')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator("test").is_float(exception_msg='value must be float')
    assert "value must be float" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_list():
    assert Validator([1, 2, 3]).is_list(exception_msg='value must be list')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator("test").is_list(exception_msg='value must be list')
    assert "value must be list" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_dict():
    assert Validator({"key": "value"}).is_dict(exception_msg='value must be dict')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator([1, 2, 3]).is_dict(exception_msg='value must be dict')
    assert "value must be dict" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_set():
    assert Validator({1, 2, 3}).is_set(exception_msg='value must be set')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator([1, 2, 3]).is_set(exception_msg='value must be set')
    assert "value must be set" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_tuple():
    assert Validator((1, 2, 3)).is_tuple(exception_msg='value must be tuple')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator([1, 2, 3]).is_tuple(exception_msg='value must be tuple')
    assert "value must be tuple" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_not_none():
    assert Validator("test").is_not_none(exception_msg='value must not be None')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator(None).is_not_none(exception_msg='value must not be None')
    assert "value must not be None" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_not_empty():
    assert Validator("test").is_not_empty(exception_msg='value must not be empty')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator("").is_not_empty(exception_msg='value must not be empty')
        assert "value must not be empty" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_allowed_value():
    assert Validator(3).is_allowed_value(allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                                         exception_msg='value must be in allowed_values')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator(6).is_allowed_value(allowed_values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                                      exception_msg='value must be in allowed_values')
    assert "value must be in allowed_values" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_specific_value():
    assert Validator(3).is_specific_value(specific_value=3,
                                          exception_msg='value must be in allowed_values')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                       exception_msg='value must be in allowed_values')
    assert "value must be in allowed_values" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_max_length():
    assert Validator("test").max_length(max_length=5,
                                        exception_msg='value length must be less than or equal to 5')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                     exception_msg='value length must be less than or equal to 3')
    assert "value length must be less than or equal to 3" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_min_length():
    assert Validator("test").min_length(min_length=3,
                                        exception_msg='value length must be greater than or equal to 3')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                     exception_msg='value length must be greater than or equal to 5')
    assert "value length must be greater than or equal to 5" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_substring():
    assert Validator("st").is_substring(super_string="test",
                                        exception_msg='sub_string must be a substring of super_string')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                      exception_msg='sub_string must be a substring of super_string')
    assert "sub_string must be a substring of super_string" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_subset():
    assert Validator({1, 2}).is_subset(superset={1, 2, 3, 4},
                                       exception_msg='subset must be a subset of superset')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator({5, 6}).is_subset(superset={1, 2, 3, 4},
                                    exception_msg='subset must be a subset of superset')
    assert "subset must be a subset of superset" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_sublist():
    assert Validator([1, 2]).is_sublist(superlist=[1, 2, 3, 4],
                                        exception_msg='sublist must be a sublist of superlist')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator([5, 6]).is_sublist(superlist=[1, 2, 3, 4],
                                     exception_msg='sublist must be a sublist of superlist')
    assert "sublist must be a sublist of superlist" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_contains_substring():
    assert Validator("test").contains_substring(substring="es",
                                                exception_msg='superstring must contain substring')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                             exception_msg='superstring must contain substring')
    assert "superstring must contain substring" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_contains_subset():
    assert Validator({1, 2, 3, 4}).contains_subset(subset={1, 2},
                                                   exception_msg='superset must contain subset')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator({1, 2, 3, 4}).contains_subset(subset={5, 6},
                                                exception_msg='superset must contain subset')
    assert "superset must contain subset" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_contains_sublist():
    assert Validator([1, 2, 3, 4]).contains_sublist(sublist=[1, 2],
                                                    exception_msg='superlist must contain sublist')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator([1, 2, 3, 4]).contains_sublist(sublist=[5, 6],
                                                 exception_msg='superlist must contain sublist')
    assert "superlist must contain sublist" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_file_suffix():
    assert Validator("example.txt").is_file_suffix(file_suffix=".txt",
                                                   exception_msg='path must have the specified file suffix')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                                                exception_msg='path must have the specified file suffix')
    assert "path must have the specified file suffix" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_file():
    assert Validator(__file__).is_file(exception_msg='path must be an existing file')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
            exception_msg='path must be an existing file')
    assert "path must be an existing file" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_dir():
    assert Validator(os.path.dirname(__file__)).is_dir(
        exception_msg='path must be an existing directory')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
            exception_msg='path must be an existing directory')
    assert "path must be an existing directory" in str(exc_info.value)

def test_is_method():
    assert Validator(print).is_method(exception_msg='value must be a callable method')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        Validator("test").is_method(exception_msg='value must be a callable method')
    assert "value must be a callable method" in str(exc_info.value)


执行 test 的日志如下,验证通过:

============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 24 items

test_validator.py::test_is_string PASSED                                 [  4%]
test_validator.py::test_is_int PASSED                                    [  8%]
test_validator.py::test_is_positive PASSED                               [ 12%]
test_validator.py::test_is_float PASSED                                  [ 16%]
test_validator.py::test_is_list PASSED                                   [ 20%]
test_validator.py::test_is_dict PASSED                                   [ 25%]
test_validator.py::test_is_set PASSED                                    [ 29%]
test_validator.py::test_is_tuple PASSED                                  [ 33%]
test_validator.py::test_is_not_none PASSED                               [ 37%]
test_validator.py::test_is_not_empty PASSED                              [ 41%]
test_validator.py::test_is_allowed_value PASSED                          [ 45%]
test_validator.py::test_is_specific_value PASSED                         [ 50%]
test_validator.py::test_max_length PASSED                                [ 54%]
test_validator.py::test_min_length PASSED                                [ 58%]
test_validator.py::test_is_substring PASSED                              [ 62%]
test_validator.py::test_is_subset PASSED                                 [ 66%]
test_validator.py::test_is_sublist PASSED                                [ 70%]
test_validator.py::test_contains_substring PASSED                        [ 75%]
test_validator.py::test_contains_subset PASSED                           [ 79%]
test_validator.py::test_contains_sublist PASSED                          [ 83%]
test_validator.py::test_is_file_suffix PASSED                            [ 87%]
test_validator.py::test_is_file PASSED                                   [ 91%]
test_validator.py::test_is_dir PASSED                                    [ 95%]
test_validator.py::test_is_method PASSED                                 [100%]

============================= 24 passed in 0.02s ==============================



  • is_string:检查参数是否为字符串。
  • is_int:检查参数是否为整数。
  • is_positive:检查参数是否为正数。
  • is_float:检查参数是否为浮点数。
  • is_list:检查参数是否为列表。
  • is_dict:检查参数是否为字典。
  • is_set:检查参数是否为集合。
  • is_tuple:检查参数是否为元组。
  • is_not_none:检查参数是否不为None。
  • is_not_empty:检查参数是否不为空(对于字符串、列表、字典、集合等)。
  • is_allowed_value:检查参数是否在指定的允许值范围内。
  • max_length:检查参数的长度是否不超过指定的最大值。
  • min_length:检查参数的长度是否不小于指定的最小值。
  • is_substring:检查参数是否为指定字符串的子串。
  • is_subset:检查参数是否为指定集合的子集。
  • is_sublist:检查参数是否为指定列表的子列表。
  • contains_substring:检查参数是否包含指定字符串。
  • contains_subset:检查参数是否包含指定集合。
  • contains_sublist:检查参数是否包含指定列表。
  • is_file:检查参数是否为有效的文件。
  • is_dir:检查参数是否为有效的目录。
  • is_file_suffix:检查参数是否以指定文件后缀结尾。
  • is_method:检查参数是否为可调用的方法(函数)。

注意:要将在 Validator 类中添加的方法,复制粘贴至 ParameterValidator 类中,方便 Pycharm 智能提示。


  • 添加 自定义校验方法,让用户自定义校验规则






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LeetCode 38 外观数列

题目描述 外观数列 给定一个正整数 n &#xff0c;输出外观数列的第 n 项。 「外观数列」是一个整数序列&#xff0c;从数字 1 开始&#xff0c;序列中的每一项都是对前一项的描述。 你可以将其视作是由递归公式定义的数字字符串序列&#xff1a; countAndSay(1) "1…


Spring其实就是一个管理Bean对象的工厂。它负责对象的创建&#xff0c;对象的销毁等。 所谓的生命周期就是&#xff1a;对象从创建开始到最终销毁的整个过程。 Bean的生命周期之5步 ● 第一步&#xff1a;实例化Bean(无参构造方法执行) ● 第二步&#xff1a;Bean属性赋值(注…

Swin Transformer 学习笔记(附代码)

论文地址&#xff1a;https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.14030.pdf 代码地址&#xff1a; GitHub - microsoft/Swin-Transformer: This is an official implementation for "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows". 1.是什么&#x…