

代码已分享至Gitee: https://gitee.com/lengcz/qianming

原示例: https://www.jq22.com/jquery-info13488



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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       Remove this if you use the .htaccess -->
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    <style type="text/css">

        div {
        input {
            padding: .5em;
            margin: .5em;
        select {
            padding: .5em;
            margin: .5em;

        #signatureparent {

        /*This is the div within which the signature canvas is fitted*/
        #signature {
            border: 2px dotted black;

        /* Drawing the 'gripper' for touch-enabled devices */
        html.touch #content {
        html.touch #scrollgrabber {
        html.borderradius #scrollgrabber {
            border-radius: 1em;

    <div id="content">
        <div id="signatureparent">
            <div>jSignature inherits colors from parent element. Text = Pen color. Background = Background. (This works even when Flash-based Canvas emulation is used.)</div>
            <div id="signature"></div></div>
        <div id="tools"></div>
        <div><p>Display Area:</p><div id="displayarea"></div></div>
    <div id="scrollgrabber"></div>
<script src="/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    /*  @preserve
    jQuery pub/sub plugin by Peter Higgins (dante@dojotoolkit.org)
    Loosely based on Dojo publish/subscribe API, limited in scope. Rewritten blindly.
    Original is (c) Dojo Foundation 2004-2010. Released under either AFL or new BSD, see:
    http://dojofoundation.org/license for more information.
    (function($) {
        var topics = {};
        $.publish = function(topic, args) {
            if (topics[topic]) {
                var currentTopic = topics[topic],
                    args = args || {};

                for (var i = 0, j = currentTopic.length; i < j; i++) {
                    currentTopic[i].call($, args);
        $.subscribe = function(topic, callback) {
            if (!topics[topic]) {
                topics[topic] = [];
            return {
                "topic": topic,
                "callback": callback
        $.unsubscribe = function(handle) {
            var topic = handle.topic;
            if (topics[topic]) {
                var currentTopic = topics[topic];

                for (var i = 0, j = currentTopic.length; i < j; i++) {
                    if (currentTopic[i] === handle.callback) {
                        currentTopic.splice(i, 1);

<script src="/js/jSignature.min.noconflict.js"></script>

        $(document).ready(function() {

            // This is the part where jSignature is initialized.
            var $sigdiv = $("#signature").jSignature({'UndoButton':true})

                // All the code below is just code driving the demo.
                , $tools = $('#tools')
                , $extraarea = $('#displayarea')
                , pubsubprefix = 'jSignature.demo.'

            var export_plugins = $sigdiv.jSignature('listPlugins','export')
                , chops = ['<span><b>提取签名数据: </b></span><select>','<option value="">(select export format)</option>']
                , name
            for(var i in export_plugins){
                if (export_plugins.hasOwnProperty(i)){
                    name = export_plugins[i]
                    chops.push('<option value="' + name + '">' + name + '</option>')
            chops.push('</select><span><b> or: </b></span>')

            $(chops.join('')).bind('change', function(e){
                if (e.target.value !== ''){
                    var data = $sigdiv.jSignature('getData', e.target.value)
                    $.publish(pubsubprefix + 'formatchanged')
                    if (typeof data === 'string'){
                        $('textarea', $tools).val(data)
                    } else if($.isArray(data) && data.length === 2){
                        $('textarea', $tools).val(data.join(','))
                        $.publish(pubsubprefix + data[0], data);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            $('textarea', $tools).val(JSON.stringify(data))
                        } catch (ex) {
                            $('textarea', $tools).val('Not sure how to stringify this, likely binary, format.')

            $('<input type="button" value="Reset">').bind('click', function(e){

            $('<div><textarea style="width:100%;height:7em;"></textarea></div>').appendTo($tools)

            $.subscribe(pubsubprefix + 'formatchanged', function(){

            $.subscribe(pubsubprefix + 'image/svg+xml', function(data) {

                    var i = new Image()
                    i.src = 'data:' + data[0] + ';base64,' + btoa( data[1] )
                } catch (ex) {


                var message = [
                    "If you don't see an image immediately above, it means your browser is unable to display in-line (data-url-formatted) SVG."
                    , "This is NOT an issue with jSignature, as we can export proper SVG document regardless of browser's ability to display it."
                    , "Try this page in a modern browser to see the SVG on the page, or export data as plain SVG, save to disk as text file and view in any SVG-capabale viewer."
                $( "<div>" + message.join("<br/>") + "</div>" ).appendTo( $extraarea )

            $.subscribe(pubsubprefix + 'image/svg+xml;base64', function(data) {
                var i = new Image()
                i.src = 'data:' + data[0] + ',' + data[1]

                var message = [
                    "If you don't see an image immediately above, it means your browser is unable to display in-line (data-url-formatted) SVG."
                    , "This is NOT an issue with jSignature, as we can export proper SVG document regardless of browser's ability to display it."
                    , "Try this page in a modern browser to see the SVG on the page, or export data as plain SVG, save to disk as text file and view in any SVG-capabale viewer."
                $( "<div>" + message.join("<br/>") + "</div>" ).appendTo( $extraarea )

            $.subscribe(pubsubprefix + 'image/png;base64', function(data) {
                var i = new Image()
                i.src = 'data:' + data[0] + ',' + data[1]
                $('<span><b>As you can see, one of the problems of "image" extraction (besides not working on some old Androids, elsewhere) is that it extracts A LOT OF DATA and includes all the decoration that is not part of the signature.</b></span>').appendTo($extraarea)

            $.subscribe(pubsubprefix + 'image/jsignature;base30', function(data) {
                $('<span><b>This is a vector format not natively render-able by browsers. Format is a compressed "movement coordinates arrays" structure tuned for use server-side. The bonus of this format is its tiny storage footprint and ease of deriving rendering instructions in programmatic, iterative manner.</b></span>').appendTo($extraarea)

            if (Modernizr.touch){




/* Modernizr 2.5.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
 * Build: http://www.modernizr.com/download/#-borderradius-csscolumns-canvas-touch-mq-cssclasses-addtest-teststyles-testprop-testallprops-prefixes-domprefixes-fullscreen_api
;window.Modernizr = function(a, b, c) {
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        return typeof a === b
    function D(a, b) {
        return !!~("" + a).indexOf(b)
    function E(a, b) {
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            if (j[a[d]] !== c)
                return b == "pfx" ? a[d] : !0;
        return !1
    function F(a, b, d) {
        for (var e in a) {
            var f = b[a[e]];
            if (f !== c)
                return d === !1 ? a[e] : C(f, "function") ? f.bind(d || b) : f
        return !1
    function G(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1)
            , e = (a + " " + o.join(d + " ") + d).split(" ");
        return C(b, "string") || C(b, "undefined") ? E(e, b) : (e = (a + " " + p.join(d + " ") + d).split(" "),
            F(e, b, c))
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        l || g.appendChild(m),
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            l ? k.parentNode.removeChild(k) : m.parentNode.removeChild(m),
    }, x = function(b) {
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            return c(b).matches;
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            d = (a.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(b, null) : b.currentStyle)["position"] == "absolute"
    }, y = {}.hasOwnProperty, z;
    !C(y, "undefined") && !C(y.call, "undefined") ? z = function(a, b) {
            return y.call(a, b)
        : z = function(a, b) {
            return b in a && C(a.constructor.prototype[b], "undefined")
    Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function(b) {
            var c = this;
            if (typeof c != "function")
                throw new TypeError;
            var d = u.call(arguments, 1)
                , e = function() {
                if (this instanceof e) {
                    var a = function() {};
                    a.prototype = c.prototype;
                    var f = new a
                        , g = c.apply(f, d.concat(u.call(arguments)));
                    return Object(g) === g ? g : f
                return c.apply(b, d.concat(u.call(arguments)))
            return e
    var H = function(c, d) {
        var f = c.join("")
            , g = d.length;
        w(f, function(c, d) {
            var f = b.styleSheets[b.styleSheets.length - 1]
                , h = f ? f.cssRules && f.cssRules[0] ? f.cssRules[0].cssText : f.cssText || "" : ""
                , i = c.childNodes
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                j[i[g].id] = i[g];
            e.touch = "ontouchstart"in a || a.DocumentTouch && b instanceof DocumentTouch || (j.touch && j.touch.offsetTop) === 9
        }, g, d)
    }([, ["@media (", m.join("touch-enabled),("), h, ")", "{#touch{top:9px;position:absolute}}"].join("")], [, "touch"]);
    q.canvas = function() {
        var a = b.createElement("canvas");
        return !!a.getContext && !!a.getContext("2d")
        q.touch = function() {
            return e.touch
        q.borderradius = function() {
            return G("borderRadius")
        q.csscolumns = function() {
            return G("columnCount")
    for (var I in q)
        z(q, I) && (v = I.toLowerCase(),
            e[v] = q[I](),
            t.push((e[v] ? "" : "no-") + v));
    return e.addTest = function(a, b) {
        if (typeof a == "object")
            for (var d in a)
                z(a, d) && e.addTest(d, a[d]);
        else {
            a = a.toLowerCase();
            if (e[a] !== c)
                return e;
            b = typeof b == "function" ? b() : b,
                g.className += " " + (b ? "" : "no-") + a,
                e[a] = b
        return e
        i = k = null,
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        e._cssomPrefixes = o,
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        e.testProp = function(a) {
            return E([a])
        e.testAllProps = G,
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}(this, this.document),
    Modernizr.addTest("fullscreen", function() {
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            if (document[Modernizr._domPrefixes[a].toLowerCase() + "CancelFullScreen"])
                return !0;
        return !!document.cancelFullScreen || !1





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