







    - pattern: '.*'


##修改为,增加上 指定jar和yaml文件和指定jmx端口随意9909
export HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="$HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS java -javaagent:/usr/local/jmx_expoter/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.9.0.jar=9909:/usr/local/jmx_expoter/hiveserver2.yaml"




    - job_name: "hiveserver2"
        - targets: ["hiveIp:9909","hiveIp:9909"]


nohup ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yaml --web.listen-address=:9090 --storage.tsdb.retention=7d > ./prometheus.log 2>&1 &


2、dashboards import json

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Spring Cloud使用ZooKeeper作为注册中心的示例

简单的Spring Cloud应用程序使用ZooKeeper作为注册中心的示例&#xff1a; 1.新建模块&#xff1a; 2.勾选依赖&#xff1a; 3.在pom.xml文件中做出部分修改及添加Spring Cloud Zookeeper 依赖版本&#xff1a; 完整pom文件 <?xml version"1.0" encoding&q…

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