

      • 1. Merkle树简介
      • 2. 构建Merkle树
      • 3. 生成SPV路径
      • 4. 验证SPV路径
      • 5. 三叉Merkle树创建、SPV生成及验证总程序
      • 6. 程序运行结果

1. Merkle树简介

  如上图所示,Merkle 树的叶子节点为交易序列,对每一笔交易进行 Hash(SHA 256算法) 之后,然后对得到的 Hash 节点进行拼接再次进行 Hash 运算,如此递归直到递归至根节点。

  如上图所示 Merkle 树的优点在于可快速验证某个区块是否存在指定交易,如要验证 H k H_k Hk是否存在于该区块中,只要将 H L 、 H I J 、 H M N O P 、 H A B C D E F G H_L、H_{IJ}、H_{MNOP}、H_{ABCDEFG} HLHIJHMNOPHABCDEFG节点得到,然后从下到上不断 Hash,最后与根节点的 Hash 值进行比较,就可以快速判断交易是否在该区块中。

2. 构建Merkle树

  1. 头文件及Merkle节点类型
# include <iostream>
# include <functional>
# include<string>
using namespace std;
typedef struct MerkleNode {
	MerkleNode* Left;
	MerkleNode* Middle;
	MerkleNode* Right;
	MerkleNode* parent;
	size_t data;
struct MerkleTree {
	MerkleNode* RootNode;
  1. 创建三叉merkle所需函数
/* 创建merkle树 */
MerkleNode* queue[100000];
int front = 0, rear = 0, new_rear = 0;
int n;
// 字符串加密
size_t encrypt(string strInput)
	hash<string> Hash;
	size_t hashVal = Hash(strInput);
	return hashVal;

// size_t转换为字符串
string type_convert(size_t input)
	string output = to_string(input);
	return output;

// 字符串拼接
string concat(string one, string two,string three)
	string output = one + two + three;
	return output;

// 初始化叶子节点
void init_leaf_node(MerkleNode*& node,size_t data)
	node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	node->data = encrypt(type_convert(data));
	node->Left = NULL;
	node->Middle = NULL;
	node->Right = NULL;

// 对最后一个节点进行拷贝
MerkleNode* copy_node(MerkleNode* node)
	MerkleNode* new_node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	new_node->Left = NULL;
	new_node->Middle = NULL;
	new_node->Right = NULL;
	new_node->data = node->data;
	return new_node;

// 初始化分枝节点
void init_branch_node(MerkleNode* Left, MerkleNode* Middle, MerkleNode* Right)
	MerkleNode* node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	node->Left = Left;
	node->Middle = Middle;
	node->Right = Right;
	Left->parent = node;
	Middle->parent = node;
	Right->parent = node;
	node->data = encrypt(concat(type_convert(Left->data), type_convert(Middle->data), type_convert(Right->data)));
	queue[new_rear++] = node;

// 根据队列中的节点生成其父节点
void create_new_layer()
	// 补足剩余节点
	int remainder = rear % 3;
	int res = 0;
	if (remainder != 0)
		res = 3 - remainder;
		MerkleNode* node = queue[rear - 1];
		for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
			queue[rear++] = copy_node(node);

	int loop = (rear + res) / 3;

	for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
		MerkleNode* Left = queue[front++];
		MerkleNode* Middle = queue[front++];
		MerkleNode* Right = queue[front++];
		init_branch_node(Left, Middle, Right);
	rear = new_rear;
	new_rear = 0;
	front = 0;

// 创建merkle树
void create_merkle_tree(MerkleTree*& root)
	while (rear != 1)
	root = (MerkleTree*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleTree));
	root->RootNode = queue[rear-1];
	root->RootNode->parent = NULL;

// 输入数据
void init_data()
	cout << "请输入交易序列个数:";
	cin >> n;
	cout << "请输入每一笔交易(中间以空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		MerkleNode* node;
		size_t data;
		cin >> data;
		init_leaf_node(node, data);
		queue[rear++] = node;

3. 生成SPV路径


/*  生成SPV路径  */ 
size_t spv_queue[100010];
MerkleNode *sequence[100010];
int seq_front = 0, seq_rear = 0;
int spv_front = 0,spv_rear = 0;
int spv_flag[100010], flag_idx = 0;

void init_all_node_sequence(MerkleNode* node)
	sequence[++seq_rear] = node;
	while (seq_front != seq_rear)
		MerkleNode* new_node = sequence[++seq_front];
		if (new_node->Left != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Left;
		if (new_node->Middle != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Middle;
		if (new_node->Right != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Right;
	seq_front = 0;

void init_spv_path(int idx,MerkleTree *root)
	MerkleNode* head_node = root->RootNode;

	int cnt;
	if (n % 3 == 0)
		cnt = 3;
	else if((n + 1) % 3 == 0) {
		cnt = n + 1;
	else {
		cnt = n + 2;
	int seq_idx = seq_rear - (cnt - idx);
	cout << "该交易的哈希值为:" << sequence[seq_idx]->data<< endl;

	MerkleNode* node = sequence[seq_idx];

	while (node->parent)
		MerkleNode* parent = node->parent;
		if (node == parent->Left)
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 0;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Middle->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Right->data;
		else if (node == parent->Middle)
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 1;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Left->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Right->data;
		else {
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 2;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Left->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Middle->data;
		node = node->parent;


void print_spv_path(int idx)
	cout << "交易序列号" << idx << "的SPV路径为:";
	while (spv_front != spv_rear)
		cout << spv_queue[++spv_front] << " ";
	cout << endl;
	spv_front = 0;
	cout << "生成交易在其兄弟节点中的位置序列为(0为Left,1为Middle,2为Right):";
	for (int i = 0; i < flag_idx; i++)
		cout << spv_flag[i] << " ";

4. 验证SPV路径


/* 验证SPV路径 */
size_t root_hash, spv_path[1010], hash_val;
int spv_length;
void judge_spv_path()
	cout << "请输入merkle树根节点哈希值:";
	cin >> root_hash;

	cout << "请输入SPV路径长度:";
	cin >> spv_length;
	cout << "请输入SPV路径(中间用空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < spv_length; i++)
		cin >> spv_path[i];

	int pos_cnt, pos_sqe[100010];
	cout << "请输入交易位置序列个数:";
	cin >> pos_cnt;
	cout << "请输入交易位置序列(中间用空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < pos_cnt; i++)
		cin >> pos_sqe[i];

	cout << "请输入要查询的交易哈希值:";
	cin >> hash_val;

	int path_idx = 0, pos_idx = 0;
	while (path_idx != spv_length)
		size_t one = spv_path[path_idx++];
		size_t two = spv_path[path_idx++];
		if (pos_sqe[pos_idx] == 0)
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(hash_val), type_convert(one), type_convert(two)));
		else if (pos_sqe[pos_idx] == 1)
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(one), type_convert(hash_val), type_convert(two)));
		else {
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(one), type_convert(two), type_convert(hash_val)));
	cout << "SPV计算得到的哈希值为:" << hash_val <<endl;
	cout << "头节点哈希值为:" << root_hash << endl;
	if (hash_val == root_hash)
		cout << "SPV路径验证成功!!!" << endl << endl << endl;

5. 三叉Merkle树创建、SPV生成及验证总程序

# include <iostream>
# include <functional>
# include<string>
using namespace std;
typedef struct MerkleNode {
	MerkleNode* Left;
	MerkleNode* Middle;
	MerkleNode* Right;
	MerkleNode* parent;
	size_t data;
struct MerkleTree {
	MerkleNode* RootNode;

/* 创建merkle树 */
MerkleNode* queue[100000];
int front = 0, rear = 0, new_rear = 0;
int n;
// 字符串加密
size_t encrypt(string strInput)
	hash<string> Hash;
	size_t hashVal = Hash(strInput);
	return hashVal;

// size_t转换为字符串
string type_convert(size_t input)
	string output = to_string(input);
	return output;

// 字符串拼接
string concat(string one, string two,string three)
	string output = one + two + three;
	return output;

// 初始化叶子节点
void init_leaf_node(MerkleNode*& node,size_t data)
	node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	node->data = encrypt(type_convert(data));
	node->Left = NULL;
	node->Middle = NULL;
	node->Right = NULL;

// 对最后一个节点进行拷贝
MerkleNode* copy_node(MerkleNode* node)
	MerkleNode* new_node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	new_node->Left = NULL;
	new_node->Middle = NULL;
	new_node->Right = NULL;
	new_node->data = node->data;
	return new_node;

// 初始化分枝节点
void init_branch_node(MerkleNode* Left, MerkleNode* Middle, MerkleNode* Right)
	MerkleNode* node = (MerkleNode*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleNode));
	node->Left = Left;
	node->Middle = Middle;
	node->Right = Right;
	Left->parent = node;
	Middle->parent = node;
	Right->parent = node;
	node->data = encrypt(concat(type_convert(Left->data), type_convert(Middle->data), type_convert(Right->data)));
	queue[new_rear++] = node;

// 根据队列中的节点生成其父节点
void create_new_layer()
	// 补足剩余节点
	int remainder = rear % 3;
	int res = 0;
	if (remainder != 0)
		res = 3 - remainder;
		MerkleNode* node = queue[rear - 1];
		for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
			queue[rear++] = copy_node(node);

	int loop = (rear + res) / 3;

	for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
		MerkleNode* Left = queue[front++];
		MerkleNode* Middle = queue[front++];
		MerkleNode* Right = queue[front++];
		init_branch_node(Left, Middle, Right);
	rear = new_rear;
	new_rear = 0;
	front = 0;

// 创建merkle树
void create_merkle_tree(MerkleTree*& root)
	while (rear != 1)
	root = (MerkleTree*)malloc(sizeof(MerkleTree));
	root->RootNode = queue[rear-1];
	root->RootNode->parent = NULL;

// 输入数据
void init_data()
	cout << "请输入交易序列个数:";
	cin >> n;
	cout << "请输入每一笔交易(中间以空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		MerkleNode* node;
		size_t data;
		cin >> data;
		init_leaf_node(node, data);
		queue[rear++] = node;

/*  生成SPV路径  */ 
size_t spv_queue[100010];
MerkleNode *sequence[100010];
int seq_front = 0, seq_rear = 0;
int spv_front = 0,spv_rear = 0;
int spv_flag[100010], flag_idx = 0;

void init_all_node_sequence(MerkleNode* node)
	sequence[++seq_rear] = node;
	while (seq_front != seq_rear)
		MerkleNode* new_node = sequence[++seq_front];
		if (new_node->Left != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Left;
		if (new_node->Middle != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Middle;
		if (new_node->Right != NULL)
			sequence[++seq_rear] = new_node->Right;
	seq_front = 0;

void init_spv_path(int idx,MerkleTree *root)
	MerkleNode* head_node = root->RootNode;

	int cnt;
	if (n % 3 == 0)
		cnt = 3;
	else if((n + 1) % 3 == 0) {
		cnt = n + 1;
	else {
		cnt = n + 2;
	int seq_idx = seq_rear - (cnt - idx);
	cout << "该交易的哈希值为:" << sequence[seq_idx]->data<< endl;

	MerkleNode* node = sequence[seq_idx];

	while (node->parent)
		MerkleNode* parent = node->parent;
		if (node == parent->Left)
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 0;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Middle->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Right->data;
		else if (node == parent->Middle)
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 1;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Left->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Right->data;
		else {
			spv_flag[flag_idx++] = 2;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Left->data;
			spv_queue[++spv_rear] = parent->Middle->data;
		node = node->parent;


void print_spv_path(int idx)
	cout << "交易序列号" << idx << "的SPV路径为:";
	while (spv_front != spv_rear)
		cout << spv_queue[++spv_front] << " ";
	cout << endl;
	spv_front = 0;
	cout << "生成交易在其兄弟节点中的位置序列为(0为Left,1为Middle,2为Right):";
	for (int i = 0; i < flag_idx; i++)
		cout << spv_flag[i] << " ";

/* 验证SPV路径 */
size_t root_hash, spv_path[1010], hash_val;
int spv_length;
void judge_spv_path()
	cout << "请输入merkle树根节点哈希值:";
	cin >> root_hash;

	cout << "请输入SPV路径长度:";
	cin >> spv_length;
	cout << "请输入SPV路径(中间用空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < spv_length; i++)
		cin >> spv_path[i];

	int pos_cnt, pos_sqe[100010];
	cout << "请输入交易位置序列个数:";
	cin >> pos_cnt;
	cout << "请输入交易位置序列(中间用空格隔开):";
	for (int i = 0; i < pos_cnt; i++)
		cin >> pos_sqe[i];

	cout << "请输入要查询的交易哈希值:";
	cin >> hash_val;

	int path_idx = 0, pos_idx = 0;
	while (path_idx != spv_length)
		size_t one = spv_path[path_idx++];
		size_t two = spv_path[path_idx++];
		if (pos_sqe[pos_idx] == 0)
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(hash_val), type_convert(one), type_convert(two)));
		else if (pos_sqe[pos_idx] == 1)
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(one), type_convert(hash_val), type_convert(two)));
		else {
			hash_val = encrypt(concat(type_convert(one), type_convert(two), type_convert(hash_val)));
	cout << "SPV计算得到的哈希值为:" << hash_val <<endl;
	cout << "头节点哈希值为:" << root_hash << endl;
	if (hash_val == root_hash)
		cout << "SPV路径验证成功!!!" << endl << endl << endl;

int main()

	cout << "================================================  Merkle树构建部分  ===================================================" << endl << endl;
	init_data();	// 数据初始化(输入相关数据)
	// 生成 Merkle 树
	MerkleTree* root;
	cout << "merkle树根哈希值为:" << root->RootNode->data << endl;
	cout << "merkle树构建完成!" << endl << endl << endl;

	// 生成SPV路径
	cout << "================================================  SPV路径生成部分  ===================================================" << endl << endl;
	int idx;
	cout << "请输入交易序号(i):";
	cin >> idx;
	init_spv_path(idx, root);
	cout << endl << endl << endl;

	// 验证SPV路径
	cout << "================================================  SPV路径验证部分  ===================================================" << endl << endl;

	return 0;

6. 程序运行结果






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OpenXLab浦源面向人工智能领域开发者和使用者,提供一站式AI开发平台。提供包括应用开发,模型免费托管,数据集下载等服务 官方网址:https://openxlab.org.cn/datasets?lang=zh-CN 提供了6622种数据集, 涉及计算机视觉、自然语言处理、多模态、通用机器学习、音频识别以及其他…

Bash and a Tough Math Puzzle 线段树维护区间gcd

还是一道很不错的题目&#xff0c;很容易想到用一棵线段树来维护区间gcd 注意用倍数来剪枝就好了&#xff0c;很是一到很好的题目的 #include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; const int N 5e510; int n,q; struct Segment{int l,r;int d; }tr[…


Kubeflow 2024/3/19版本的文档 此专栏用来展示相关的内容翻译&#xff0c;重点关注本地部署&#xff0c;关于运营商的方案&#xff0c;请自行查阅 文档地址https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/ 开始编辑时间&#xff1a;2024/3/27&#xff1b;最后编辑时间2024/3/27 Kubeflow文…


今日绘图需要用到echarts的地图json文件&#xff0c;但是github上已经找不到了&#xff0c;后发现伟大的网友提供了地址如下&#xff1a;Index of /examples/data/asset/geohttps://echarts.apache.org/examples/data/asset/geo/ 免费下载实时更新的geoJson数据、行政区划边界…


这里写目录标题 一、什么是中断&#xff1f;&#xff08;了解&#xff09;二、中断优先级分组设置&#xff08;熟悉&#xff09;三、中断相关寄存器&#xff08;熟悉&#xff09;四、FreeRTOS中断管理实验&#xff08;掌握&#xff09; 一、什么是中断&#xff1f;&#xff08;…