Rust下的二进制漏洞 CVE-2024-27284 分析

Rust下的二进制漏洞 CVE-2024-27284 分析

Rust被誉为 【能够规避内存漏洞】的语言,在这几年收到很多开发者喜爱。所以在这个语言下能出现的UAF漏洞,自然也有价值研究一下。本文就一个常见开源库中发现的UAF漏洞进行分析。



Cassandra 是一个开源的分布式数据库管理系统,由 Apache 软件基金会开发和维护。它被设计为具有高度可扩展性和容错性的分布式存储系统,用于处理大规模数据集的高吞吐量和低延迟的应用程序。Cassandra 使用一种称为 CQL(Cassandra Query Language)的查询语言,它类似于 SQL,但具有一些特定于 Cassandra 的扩展和功能。CQL 提供了灵活的数据模型和查询选项,可以满足各种应用程序的需求。 —— 来自Apache




Code that attempts to use an item (e.g., a row) returned by an iterator after the iterator has advanced to the next item will be accessing freed memory and experience undefined behaviour. Code that uses the item and then advances the iterator is unaffected. This problem has always existed.

This is a use-after-free bug, so it's rated high severity. If your code uses a pre-3.0.0 version of cassandra-rs, and uses an item returned by a cassandra-rs iterator after calling next() on that iterator, then it is vulnerable. However, such code will almost always fail immediately - so we believe it is unlikely that any code using this pattern would have reached production. For peace of mind, we recommend you upgrade anyway.


  • 漏洞类型为UAF
  • 漏洞和迭代器iter有关
  • 漏洞的触发和next()有关系


## Lending iterator API (version 3.0)

Version 3.0 fixes a soundness issue with the previous API. The iterators in the
underlying Cassandra driver invalidate the current item when `next()` is called,
and this was not reflected in the Rust binding prior to version 3.

To deal with this, the various iterators (`ResultIterator`, `RowIterator`,
`MapIterator`, `SetIterator`, `FieldIterator`, `UserTypeIterator`,
`KeyspaceIterator`, `FunctionIterator`, `AggregateIterator`, `TableIterator`,
`ColumnIterator`) no longer implement `std::iter::Iterator`. Instead, since this
is a [lending
these types all implement a new `LendingIterator` trait. We define this
ourselves because there is currently no widely-used crate that implements it.



/// A field's metadata
-   pub struct Field {
+   //
+   // Borrowed from wherever the value is borrowed from.
+   pub struct Field<'a> {
        /// The field's name
        pub name: String,
        /// The field's value
-       pub value: Value,
+       pub value: Value<'a>,


-   pub struct RowIterator(pub *mut _CassIterator);
+   pub struct RowIterator<'a>(*mut _CassIterator, PhantomData<&'a _Row>);

/// skip code

-   impl<'a> Iterator for &'a RowIterator {
-       type Item = Value;
+   impl LendingIterator for RowIterator<'_> {
+       type Item<'a> = Value<'a> where Self: 'a;

-       fn next(&mut self) -> Option<<Self as Iterator>::Item> {
+       fn next(&mut self) -> Option<<Self as LendingIterator>::Item<'_>> {
            unsafe {
                match cass_iterator_next(self.0) {
                    cass_false => None,
                    cass_true => Some(Value::build(cass_iterator_get_column(self.0))),


## Lending iterator API (version 3.0)

Version 3.0 fixes a soundness issue with the previous API. The iterators in the
underlying Cassandra driver invalidate the current item when `next()` is called,
and this was not reflected in the Rust binding prior to version 3.

To deal with this, the various iterators (`ResultIterator`, `RowIterator`,
`MapIterator`, `SetIterator`, `FieldIterator`, `UserTypeIterator`,
`KeyspaceIterator`, `FunctionIterator`, `AggregateIterator`, `TableIterator`,
`ColumnIterator`) no longer implement `std::iter::Iterator`. Instead, since this
is a [lending
these types all implement a new `LendingIterator` trait. We define this
ourselves because there is currently no widely-used crate that implements it.


Make ResultIterator a LendingIterator


  • 将迭代器由Iterator修改为LendingIterator
  • 将数据对象增加生命周期,并且对某些结构体增加幽灵成员以增加生命周期








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