
文章来源:微信公众号:EW Frontier








·带宽:1.5e8 ·时间:7.3333e-06 ·斜率:2.0455e+13


模拟目标运动并计算每个时间戳的节拍或混合信号。应生成差拍信号,以便一旦实现距离FFT,它就给出正确的距离,即分配有+/- 10米误差容限的目标的初始位置。






图5:初始距离为110 m,相对速度为20 m/s时模拟目标的FFT

图6:初始距离为100 m,相对速度为-40 m/s时模拟目标的FFT

















2D CFAR过程的实施步骤

2D CFAR过程的训练单元、保护单元和偏移的选择

2D CFAR过程的实施步骤2D C





图16:对于初始距离为110 m、接近速度为20 m/s的目标,选择以下窗口参数:距离维度(Gr)中的5个保护单元,多普勒维度(Gd)中的23个保护单元,距离维度(Tr)中的20个训练单元,以及多普勒维度(Td)中的10个训练单元。

接下来,将偏移项(我称之为"阈值噪声比"(tnr))添加到log dB空间中的估计噪声水平,以产生检测阈值。然后,我们将CUT中的信号与该阈值进行比较。如果CUT中的信号低于此阈值,我们将其设置为零,从而在距离多普勒图中对其进行抑制。如果CUT中的信号上升到阈值以上,我将保持该值不变(注意:项目步骤建议将其设置为1,但我更喜欢查看目标分布)。

对于偏移量的选择,我使用了一个试错过程,该过程包括可视化多个偏移量值的CFAR检测结果,然后选择一个最大化真实目标检测同时最小化错误检测数量的值。对于接近速度为20 m/s的110 m目标,以及相应的防护和训练单元参数,我选择偏移量为10。110 m目标偏移量参数扫描的恒虚警率检测结果如下所示:

图17:110 m目标在-20 m/s接近速度下,基于多个偏移量的CFAR检测结果

对于接近速度为-40 m/s的100 m目标,在距离维选择6个保护单元,在多普勒维选择22个保护单元,在距离维选择20个训练单元,在多普勒维选择10个训练单元,阈值偏移为9.0。这产生了上一节中看到的结果。


距离多普勒图外边界的单元必须根据滑动窗口的大小进行抑制。当在测试下的小区上循环时,我们通过跳过沿着最大和最小范围维度的Gr + Tr仓以及沿着最大和最小多普勒维度的Gd + Td仓来对此进行解释。然后,将CFAR处理的减小尺寸的输出映射回其在零阵列中的原始位置,该零阵列在尺寸上等同于全距离多普勒图:




% Constant False Alarm Rate
clear all; close all;
N = 1000; % Number of Samples
signal = abs(randn(N,1)); % Generate Random Noise
% Set Target Locations:
% Assign Targets to Bins 100, 200, 300 and 700
% Assign Target Amplitudes: 8, 9, 4, 11
signal([100 200 300 700]) = [8 9 4 11];
%signal([100 200 350 700]) = [8 15 7 13];
figure; plot(signal);
T = 12; % Number of Training Cells
G = 4; % Number of Guard Cells
tnr = 3.5; % define threshold-to-noise ratio
threshold_cfar = []; % define vector for threshold values
signal_cfar = []; % define vector for thresholded signal result
% Sliding window filter: make sure we give enough room at the end for the
% number of guard cells and training cells
for winIdx = 1:(N-(G+T))
    % Estimate the average noise across the training cells
    noise = sum(signal(winIdx:winIdx+T-1))/T; 
    % Compute threshold
    threshold = noise*tnr;
    threshold_cfar = [threshold_cfar,{threshold}];
    % Measure signal within the cell under test (CUT)
    CUTsig = signal(winIdx+T+G); % define as T+G cells away from the first training cell
    % If the signal level at CUT is below the threshold
    if CUTsig < threshold
        % then assign it a 0 value
        CUTsig = 0;
    signal_cfar = [signal_cfar, {CUTsig}];
% Plot the filtered signal
figure; plot(signal);
hold on; plot(cell2mat(circshift(threshold_cfar,G)),'r--','LineWidth',2);
hold on; plot(cell2mat(circshift(signal_cfar,(T+G))),'g.','MarkerSize',14);
legend('Signal','CFAR Threshold','Detection');
% 2-D CFAR on Range-Doppler Map
% 1. Determine the number of Training Cells (Tr & Td) and the number of
% Guard Cells (Gr & Gd) for each dimension 
% 2. Slide the Cell Under Test (CUT) across the complete cell matrix
% 3. Select the grid that includes the training, guard and test cells. Grid
% Size = (2Tr+2Gr+1)(2Td+2Gd+1) 
% 4. The total number of cells in the guard region and cell under test.
% (2Gr+1)(2Gd+1) 
% 5. This gives the Training Cells : (2Tr+2Gr+1)(2Td+2Gd+1) - (2Gr+1)(2Gd+1)
% 6. Measure and average the noise across all the training cells. This
% gives the threshold 
% 7. Add the offset (if in signal strength in dB) to the threshold to keep
% the false alarm to the minimum 
% 8. Determine the signal level at the Cell Under Test 
% 9. If the CUT signal level is greater than the Threshold, assign a value
% of 1, else equate it to zero 
% 10. Since the cell under test are not located at the edges, due to the
% training cells occupying the edges, we suppress the edges to zero. Any
% cell value that is neither 1 nor a 0, assign it a zero  
% *************************************************************************
% 2-D FFT
% Create and plot 2-D data with repeated blocks
P = peaks(20);
X = repmat(P,[5 10]);
% Compute the 2-D Fourier Transform of the data
X_fft = fft2(X);
% Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the output
X_fft = abs(fftshift(X_fft));
% Plot the resulting 100-by-200 matrix, which is the same size as X
figure; imagesc(log(X_fft));
% *************************************************************************
% Find the frequency components of a signal buried in noise
% Define FFT parameters
fs = 1.0e3; % sampling frequency
T = 1/fs; % sampling period
L = 1500; % length of signal (time duration) in ms
%N = 1024; % number of samples
% Define a signal and add noise
t = (0:L-1)*T; % time vector
f = [77 43]; % frequency of two signals in Hz
A = [0.7 2.0]; % signal amplitudes
%S = 0.7*sin(2*pi*77*t) + 2*sin(2*pi*43*t); % note: class notes suggested cos
signal = sum(A'.*sin(2*pi*f'.*t));
noisedSignal = signal; % + 2*randn(size(t));
figure; plot(1000*t(1:50),noisedSignal(1:50));
title('Signal Plus Zero-Mean Random Noise');
xlabel('time [ms]');
ylabel('noised signal');
% Compute the FFT of the noised signal
signal_fft = fft(noisedSignal); %,N);
% Compute the amplitude of the normalized signal
%signal_fft = abs(signal_fft);  % take the magnitude of the fft
signal_fft = abs(signal_fft/L); % take the amplitude of the fft
% Compute the single-sided spectrum based on the even-valued signal length L
%signal_fft = signal_fft(1:L/2-1); % discard negative half of fft (mirrored image)
signal_fft = signal_fft(1:L/2+1); % discard negative half of fft (mirrored image)
freq = fs*(0:(L/2))/L;
figure; plot(freq,signal_fft);
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of Noisy Signal');
xlabel('frequency [Hz]');
% *************************************************************************
% Doppler Velocity Calculation
% Calculate the velocity in m/s of four targets with the following Doppler
% frequency shifts: [3 KHz, -4.5 KHz, 11 KHz, -3 KHz]
% Radar Operating Frequency (Hz)
fc = 77.0e9;
% Speed of Light (meters/sec)
c = 3*10^8;
% Wavelength
lambda = c/fc;
% Doppler Shifts in Hz
fd = [3.0e3, -4.5e3, 11.0e3, -3e3];
% Velocity of the targets
%fd = (2*vr)/lambda;
vr = (fd*lambda)/2;
% velocity = distance/time
% *************************************************************************
% Given the radar maximum range of 300m and range resolution of 1m,
% calculate the range of four targets with the following measured beat
% frequencies: 0MHz, 1.1MHz, 13MHz, 24MHz
% Speed of Light (meters/sec)
c = 3*10^8;
% Maximum Detectable Range in Meters
Rmax = 300;
% Range Resolution in Meters
deltaR = 1;
% Bsweep of Chirp
Bsweep = c/2*deltaR;
% The sweep/chirp time can be computed based on the time needed for the signal to
% travel the maximum range. In general, for an FMCW radar system, the sweep
% time should be at least 5 to 6 times the round trip time. This example
% uses a factor of 5.5:
Tchirp = 5.5*(Rmax*2/c); % 5.5 times the trip time at maximum range
% Beat Frequencies (Hz) of four targets:
fb = [0e6,1.1e6,13e6,24e6];
% Range for every target (meters)
calculated_range = c*Tchirp*fb/(2*Bsweep); 
% *************************************************************************
% Operating Frequency (Hz)
fc = 77.0e9;
% Wavelength
lambda = c/fc;
% Transmitted Power (W)
Pt = 3e-3;
% Antenna Gain (linear)
G = 10000;
% Minimum Detectable Power
Ps = 1e-10;
% RCS of a car
RCS = 100;
Range = (((10*log10(Pt*1000))*(G^2)*(lambda^2)*RCS)/(Ps*((4*pi)^3)))^(1/4);


% +---------------------------------------+
% |  Radar Target Generation & Detection  |                                 
% |  Jasmine Taketa-Tran, 5 October 2020  |
% +---------------------------------------+
clear all; close all;
%% Define Radar Specifications
% Configure the FMCW Waveform based on the System Requirements
fc= 77.0e9; % Operating Carrier Frequency (Hz)
c = 3.0e8; % Speed of Light (meters/sec)
lambda = c/fc; % Wavelength
Rmax = 200; % Maximum Detectable Range (meters)
Vmax = 70; % Maximum Velocity (meters/sec)
deltaR = 1.0; % Range Resolution in (meters)
deltaV = 3.0; % Velocity Resolution (meters/sec)
%% Compute FMCW Waveform Parameters
% Calculate the FMCW waveform parameters given the requirements specs
% Bandwidth of each chirp at the given range resolution:
Bsweep = c/(2*deltaR);
% Sweep Time for each chirp defined at 5.5x round trip time at max range:
Tsweep = 5.5*(Rmax*2/c);
% Slope of the chirp
Slope = Bsweep/Tsweep;
% The number of chirps in one sequence
Nd = 128; % #of doppler cells OR #of sent periods
% The number of samples on each chirp
Nr = 1024; % for length of time OR # of range cells
%% Model Signal Propagation for the Moving Target Simulation
% Set initial range and velocity of the target
targetRange = 110; %100; % Initial Distance to the Target (<= 200 m)
targetVelocity = 20; %-40; % Closing Velocity of Target (-70 to +70 m/s)
% Initialize vectors to store variable time histories
time = linspace(0,Nd*Tsweep,Nr*Nd); % time vector
Tx = zeros(1,length(time)); % transmit signal
Rx = zeros(1,length(time)); % receive signal
beatSig = zeros(1,length(time)); % beat frequency
range2Tgt = zeros(1,length(time)); % range to target
tau = zeros(1,length(time)); % time delay (trip time for the signal)
for tIdx = 1:length(time)
    % Displace the target based on the assumption of constant velocity
    range2Tgt(tIdx) = targetRange + (targetVelocity * time(tIdx));
    % Ensure that the targetRange does not exceed the maximum detectable
    % range of the radar. If it does, then flag it as undetectable.
    if range2Tgt(tIdx) > Rmax
        range2Tgt(tIdx) = NaN;
    % Update the trip/delay time for the received signal
    tau(tIdx) = (range2Tgt(tIdx)*2)/c;
    % For each time stamp, update the transmit and receive signals
    % Receive signal is the time-delayed version of the transmit signal
    Tx(tIdx) = cos(2*pi*((fc*time(tIdx)) + ((Slope*(time(tIdx)^2))/2)));
    Rx(tIdx) = cos(2*pi*((fc*(time(tIdx)-tau(tIdx))) +...
% % Add 20% random noise to the signals
% Tx = Tx.*(1 + 0.2*randn(size(time)));
% Rx = Rx.*(1 + 0.2*randn(size(time)));
% For each displacement, determine the beat signal (frequency shift)
beatSig = Tx.*Rx; 
figure; subplot(3,1,1); plot(time(1:(Nr*2)),Tx(1:(Nr*2))); ylabel('transmit signal'); axis tight; grid on; grid minor; set(gca,'FontName','Cambria');
subplot(3,1,2); plot(time(1:(Nr*2)),Rx(1:(Nr*2))); ylabel('receive signal'); axis tight; grid on; grid minor; set(gca,'FontName','Cambria');
subplot(3,1,3); plot(time(1:(Nr*2)),beatSig(1:(Nr*2))); ylabel('beat signal'); axis tight; xlabel('time [sec]'); grid on; grid minor; set(gca,'FontName','Cambria');
subplot(3,1,1); hold on; title(sprintf('un-noised signal across 2 chirps on a target at initial range of %dm & %d m/s closing velocity',targetRange,targetVelocity));
%% Estimate the Range to Target
% Perform 1D FFT on the beat signal to estimate the range to target
% Reshape the mix signal into number of range samples (Nr) 
% and number of doppler samples (Nd) to form an Nr-by-Nd array
% Nr and Nd will also be used for the FFT sizes
beatMat = reshape(beatSig,[Nr Nd]);
range2TgtMat = reshape(range2Tgt,[Nr Nd]);
% Compute the normalized FFT of the beat signal along the range dimension
beat_fft = fft(beatMat,Nr)/Nr;
% Compute the amplitude of the normalized signal
beat_fft = abs(beat_fft);
% Compute the single-sided spectrum based on the even-valued signal length
beat_fft = beat_fft(1:Nr/2+1,:); % discard negative half of fft
figure('Name','Range from First FFT'); plot(beat_fft);
title('Amplitude Spectrum of the Beat Signal');
xlabel('range [m]'); ylabel('amplitude'); grid on; grid minor;
set(gca,'FontName','Cambria'); axis tight;
xticks(1:50:513); xticklabels(0:50:512);
%% Generate the Range Doppler Map (RDM)
% Perform a 2D FFT on the beat signal to generate a Range Doppler Map
% Perform CFAR processing on the output of the 2nd FFT to find the target
beatMat = reshape(beatSig,[Nr Nd]);
% 2D FFT using the FFT size for both dimensions
sig_fft2 = fft2(beatMat,Nr,Nd);
% Take just one side of signal in the range dimension
sig_fft2 = sig_fft2(1:Nr/2,1:Nd);
sig_fft2 = fftshift(sig_fft2);
RDM = abs(sig_fft2);
RDM = 10*log10(RDM);
% Plot the output of 2D FFT as a function of range and velocity
doppler_axis = linspace(-100,100,Nd);
range_axis = linspace(-200,200,Nr/2)*((Nr/2)/400);
figure; surf(doppler_axis,range_axis,RDM);
xlabel('doppler'); ylabel('range'); 
title('Range Doppler Map');
grid on; grid minor; axis tight;
figure; contourf(doppler_axis,range_axis,RDM);
xlabel('doppler'); ylabel('range'); 
title('Range Doppler Map');
set(gca,'FontName','Cambria'); colorbar;
grid on; grid minor;
%% Perform CFAR Thresholding on the RDM to Detect the Target
% Note: For a Target at 100m, Gr = 6, Gd = 22 & tnr = 9
%       For a Target at 110m, Gr = 5, Gd = 23 & tnr = 10
% Select the Number of Training Cells
Tr = 20; % Number of Training Cells in the Range Dimension
Td = 10; % Number of Training Cells in the Doppler Dimension
% Select the Number of Guard Cells
Gr = 5;  % Number of Guard Cells in the Range Dimension
Gd = 23; % Number of Guard Cells in the Doppler Dimension
% Offset the threshold by SNR value in dB
tnr = 10; % Define the Threshold-to-Noise Ratio
% Slide the window filter across the Range Doppler Map
% Allow an outer image buffer for Guard & Training cells
for i = Tr+Gr+1:(Nr/2)-(Gr+Tr)
    for j = Td+Gd+1:Nd-(Gd+Td)
        % Step through the bins & grid surrounding the Cell Under Test
        noise_level = zeros(1,1);
        for p = i-(Tr+Gr):i+Tr+Gr
            for q = j-(Td+Gd):j+Td+Gd
                % Exclude the Guard Cells and the Cell Under Test
                if (abs(i-p)>Gr) || (abs(j-q)>Gd)
                    % Convert the logarithmic dB value to linear power
                    % Then sum the noise across the Training Cells
                    noise_level = noise_level + db2pow(RDM(p,q));
        % Compute threshold based on the noise and offset (tnr)
        numGridCells = ((2*Tr)+(2*Gr)+1)*((2*Td)+(2*Gd)+1);
        numGuardCells = Gr*Gd;
        numTrainCells = numGridCells - numGuardCells - 1;
        % Estimate the average noise across the Training Cells
        % Convert back to logarithmic dB after obtaining the average
        threshold = pow2db(noise_level/numTrainCells);
        threshold = threshold + tnr; % multiplying in linear space
        % Compare the Cell Under Test to the Detection Threshold
        CUT = RDM(i,j); % get signal within the Cell Under Test
        if CUT < threshold % if it is below threshold
            RDM(i,j) = 0; % then assign it a value of 0
%       else % if it is above threshold
%           RDM(i,j) = 1; % then assign it a value of 1
% Suppress edges of the Range Doppler Map to account for the presence 
% of Training and Guard Cells surrounding the Cell Under Test 
RDM_thresholded = zeros(size(RDM));
RDM_thresholded(Tr+Gr+1:(Nr/2)-(Gr+Tr),Td+Gd+1:Nd-(Gd+Td)) = ...
% Plot the filtered RDM as a function of range and velocity
figure; surf(doppler_axis,range_axis,RDM_thresholded);
title('Range Doppler Map after CFAR Thresholding');
xlabel('doppler'); ylabel('range'); axis tight;
set(gca,'FontName','Cambria'); grid on; grid minor;
figure; contourf(doppler_axis,range_axis,RDM_thresholded);
title('Range Doppler Map after CFAR Thresholding');
xlabel('doppler'); ylabel('range'); axis tight;
set(gca,'FontName','Cambria'); colorbar;
grid on; grid minor;

Sensor Fusion Using Synthetic Radar .m

clear all; close all;
%% Sensor Fusion Using Synthetic Radar 
%% Generate the Scenario
% Scenario generation comprises generating a road network, defining
% vehicles that move on the roads, and moving the vehicles.
% Test the ability of the sensor fusion to track a
% vehicle that is passing on the left of the ego vehicle. The scenario
% simulates a highway setting, and additional vehicles are in front of and
% behind the ego vehicle.
% Define an empty scenario.
scenario = drivingScenario;
scenario.SampleTime = 0.01;
% Add a stretch of 500 meters of typical highway road with two lanes. The 
% road is defined using a set of points, where each point defines the center of 
% the road in 3-D space. 
roadCenters = [0 0; 50 0; 100 0; 250 20; 500 40];
%roadWidth = 7.2; % two lanes, each 3.6 meters wide
road(scenario, roadCenters, 'lanes', lanespec(2));
%road(scenario, roadCenters, roadWidth);
% Create the ego vehicle and three cars around it: one that overtakes the
% ego vehicle and passes it on the left, one that drives right in front of
% the ego vehicle and one that drives right behind the ego vehicle. All of
% the cars follow the trajectory defined by the road waypoints by using the
% path driving policy. The passing car will start on the right lane, move
% to the left lane to pass, and return to the right lane.
% Create the ego vehicle that travels at 25 m/s along the road.  Place the
% vehicle on the right lane by subtracting off half a lane width (1.8 m)
% from the centerline of the road. Note: Class notes use call to "path"
% function instead of "trajectory" function.
egoCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
trajectory(egoCar, roadCenters(2:end,:) - [0 1.8], 25); % in the right lane
% Add a car in front of the ego vehicle
leadCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
trajectory(leadCar, [70 0; roadCenters(3:end,:)] - [0 1.8], 25); % in the right lane
% Add a car that travels at 35 m/s along the road and passes the ego vehicle
passingCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
waypoints = [0 -1.8; 50 1.8; 100 1.8; 250 21.8; 400 32.2; 500 38.2];
trajectory(passingCar, waypoints, 35);
% Add a car behind the ego vehicle
chaseCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
trajectory(chaseCar, [25 0; roadCenters(2:end,:)] - [0 1.8], 25); % in the right lane
%% Define Radar Sensors
% Simulate an ego vehicle that has 6 radar sensors covering the entire 360
% degree field-of-view. The sensors have some overlap and some coverage
% gaps. The ego vehicle is equipped with a long-range radar sensor on both
% the front and the back of the vehicle. Each side of the vehicle has two
% short-range radar sensors, each covering 90 degrees. One sensor on each
% side covers from the middle of the vehicle to the back. The other sensor
% on each side covers from the middle of the vehicle forward. The figure in
% the next section shows the coverage.
sensors = cell(6,1);
% Front-facing long-range radar sensor at the center of the front bumper of the car.
sensors{1} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 1, 'Height', 0.2, 'MaxRange', 174, ... 
    'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase + egoCar.FrontOverhang, 0], 'FieldOfView', [20, 5]);
% Rear-facing long-range radar sensor at the center of the rear bumper of the car.
sensors{2} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 2, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 180, ...
    'SensorLocation', [-egoCar.RearOverhang, 0], 'MaxRange', 174, 'FieldOfView', [20, 5]);
% Rear-left-facing short-range radar sensor at the left rear wheel well of the car.
sensors{3} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 3, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 120, ...
    'SensorLocation', [0, egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, 'ReferenceRange', 50, ...
    'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, 'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Rear-right-facing short-range radar sensor at the right rear wheel well of the car.
sensors{4} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 4, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', -120, ...
    'SensorLocation', [0, -egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, 'ReferenceRange', 50, ...
    'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, 'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Front-left-facing short-range radar sensor at the left front wheel well of the car.
sensors{5} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 5, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 60, ...
    'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase, egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, ...
    'ReferenceRange', 50, 'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, ...
    'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Front-right-facing short-range radar sensor at the right front wheel well of the car.
sensors{6} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 6, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', -60, ...
    'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase, -egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, ...
    'ReferenceRange', 50, 'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, ...
    'RangeResolution', 1.25);
%% Create a Multi-Object Tracker
% Create a multi-object tracker to track the vehicles that are close to the
% ego vehicle. The tracker uses the initSimDemoFilter supporting function
% to initialize a constant velocity linear Kalman filter that works with
% position and velocity. 
% Tracking is done in 2-D. Although the sensors return measurements in 3-D,
% the motion itself is confined to the horizontal plane, so there is no
% need to track the height.
%% TODO*
% Change the Tracker Parameters and explain the reasoning behind selecting
% the final values. You can find more about parameters here:
% https://www.mathworks.com/help/driving/ref/multiobjecttracker-system-object.html 
% Note: Kalman Filter is defined in initSimDemoFilter function further below
tracker = multiObjectTracker('FilterInitializationFcn', @initSimDemoFilter, ...
    'AssignmentThreshold', 30, 'ConfirmationParameters', [4 5], 'NumCoastingUpdates', 5);
positionSelector = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0]; % Position selector
velocitySelector = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1]; % Velocity selector
% Create the display and return a handle to the bird's-eye plot
BEP = createDemoDisplay(egoCar, sensors);
%% Simulate the Scenario
% The following loop moves the vehicles, calls the sensor simulation, and
% performs the tracking.
% Note that the scenario generation and sensor simulation can have
% different time steps. Specifying different time steps for the scenario
% and the sensors enables you to decouple the scenario simulation from the
% sensor simulation. This is useful for modeling actor motion with high
% accuracy independently from the sensor'
 measurement rate.
% Another example is when the sensors have different update rates. Suppose
% one sensor provides updates every 20 milliseconds and another sensor
% provides updates every 50 milliseconds. You can specify the scenario with
% an update rate of 10 milliseconds and the sensors will provide their
% updates at the correct time.
% In this example, the scenario generation has a time step of 0.01 second,
% while the sensors detect every 0.1 second. The sensors return a logical
% flag (isValidTime) that is true if the sensors generated detections.
% This flag is used to call the tracker only when there are detections.
% Another important note is that the sensors can simulate multiple
% detections per target, in particular when the targets are very close to
% the radar sensors. Because the tracker assumes a single detection per
% target from each sensor, you must cluster the detections before the
% tracker processes them. This is done by the function clusterDetections.
% See the 'Supporting Functions' section.
toSnap = true;
while advance(scenario) && ishghandle(BEP.Parent)    
    % Get the scenario time
    time = scenario.SimulationTime;
    % Get the position of the other vehicle in ego vehicle coordinates
    ta = targetPoses(egoCar);
    % Simulate the sensors
    detections = {};
    isValidTime = false(1,6);
    for i = 1:6
        [sensorDets,numValidDets,isValidTime(i)] = sensors{i}(ta, time);
        if numValidDets
            detections = [detections; sensorDets]; %#ok<AGROW>
    % Update the tracker if there are new detections from the sensors
    if any(isValidTime)
        vehicleLength = sensors{1}.ActorProfiles.Length;
        % Run the clustering function to generate detections
        detectionClusters = clusterDetections(detections, vehicleLength);
        % Update the confirmed tracks
        confirmedTracks = updateTracks(tracker, detectionClusters, time);
        % Update bird's-eye plot
        updateBEP(BEP, egoCar, detections, confirmedTracks, positionSelector, velocitySelector);
    % Snap a figure for the document when the car passes the ego vehicle
    if ta(1).Position(1) > 0 && toSnap
        toSnap = false;
%% Define the Kalman Filter
% Define the Kalman Filter here to be used with multiObjectTracker.
% In Matlab, a trackingKF function can be used to initiate a Kalman Filter
% for any type of Motion Model. This includes the 1D, 2D or 3D constant
% velocity or constant acceleration models.
% This function initializes a constant velocity filter based on a detection.
function filter = initSimDemoFilter(detection)
% Use a 2-D constant velocity model to initialize a trackingKF filter
% The state vector is [x;vx;y;vy], where x and y are 2D posiiton
% coordinates, and vx and vy are 2D velocity estimates
% The detection measurement vector is [x;y;vx;vy]
% The measurement model assumes that the actual measurement at any tiven
% time is related to the current state by: z = H*x
% As a result, the measurement model is H = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1]
% Implement the Kalman filter using trackingKF function
H = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1];
% Using this measurement model, the state can be derived from the
% measurements:
%    x = H'
%    state = H*detection.Measurement;
% Furthermore, the generated measurement noise and measurement model can be
% used to define the state covariance matrix:
%    stateCovariance = H'*detection.MeasurementNoise*H;
filter = trackingKF('
D Constant Velocity
', H'
    'MeasurementModel', H,...
    'StateCovariance', H'*detection.MeasurementNoise*H,...
', detection.MeasurementNoise);
%% Cluster Detections
% This function merges multiple detections suspected to be of the same
% vehicle to a single detection. The function looks for detections that are
% closer than the size of a vehicle. Detections that fit this criterion are
% considered a cluster and are merged to a single detection at the centroid
% of the cluster. The measurement noise is modified to represent the
% possibility that each detection can be anywhere on the vehicle. As a
% result, the noise should have the same size as the vehicle size. In
% addition, this function removes the third dimension of the measurement
% (the height) and reduces the measurement vector to [x;y;vx;vy]. 
function detectionClusters = clusterDetections(detections, vehicleSize)
N = numel(detections);
distances = zeros(N);
% Loop over all possible pairs of detections
for i = 1:N
    for j = i+1:N
        % If the detections are from the same sensor
        if detections{i}.SensorIndex == detections{j}.SensorIndex
            % then record the Euclidean distance between them
            distances(i,j) = norm(detections{i}.Measurement(1:2) - detections{j}.Measurement(1:2));
            distances(i,j) = inf;
leftToCheck = 1:N;
i = 0;
detectionClusters = cell(N,1);
% While the detection list is not empty and there are still detections to
% be grouped/clustered
while ~isempty(leftToCheck)    
    % Remove the detections that are in the same cluster as the one under consideration
    % Pick the first detection in the remaining check list
    underConsideration = leftToCheck(1);
    % Cluster detections with distances to the current pick that are within
    % the vehicle size. Group those detections and their respective radar
    % sensor measurements, including range and velocity measurements.
    clusterInds = (distances(underConsideration,leftToCheck) < vehicleSize);
    detInds = leftToCheck(clusterInds);
    clusterDets = [detections{detInds}];
    clusterMeas = [clusterDets.Measurement];
    % Take the mean range and velocity across the group
    meas = mean(clusterMeas,2);
    % Note: the radar measurement vector has 6 values, where range and
    % velocity for x and y coordinates reside at indices 1, 2, 4 and 5:
    % [x, y, -, Vx, Vy, -]
    meas2D = [meas(1:2); meas(4:5)];
    % Create a new cluster ID
    i = i + 1;
    % Assign the current group of detections to the same ID
    detectionClusters{i} = detections{detInds(1)};
    % Assign cluster range and velocity based on group member averages
    detectionClusters{i}.Measurement = meas2D;
    % Delete all detections belonging to the current group from the
    % remaining list of detections to cluster
    leftToCheck(clusterInds) = [];
    % Repeat in while loop until the detection list is empty
detectionClusters(i+1:end) = [];
% Since the detections are now for clusters, modify the noise to represent
% that they are of the whole car
for i = 1:numel(detectionClusters)
    measNoise(1:2,1:2) = vehicleSize^2 * eye(2);
    measNoise(3:4,3:4) = eye(2) * 100 * vehicleSize^2;
    detectionClusters{i}.MeasurementNoise = measNoise;
%% Create Demo Display
% This function creates a three-panel display:
% # Top-left corner of display: A top view that follows the ego vehicle.
% # Bottom-left corner of display: A chase-camera view that follows the ego vehicle.
% # Right-half of display: A <matlab:doc('
') bird'
-eye plot> display.
function BEP = createDemoDisplay(egoCar, sensors)
    % Make a figure
    hFigure = figure('Position', [0, 0, 1200, 640], 'Name', 'Sensor Fusion with Synthetic Data Example');
    movegui(hFigure, [0 -1]); % Moves the figure to the left and a little down from the top    
    % Add a car plot that follows the ego vehicle from behind
    hCarViewPanel = uipanel(hFigure, 'Position', [0 0 0.5 0.5], 'Title', 'Chase Camera View');
    hCarPlot = axes(hCarViewPanel);
    chasePlot(egoCar, 'Parent', hCarPlot);
    % Add a car plot that follows the ego vehicle from a top view
    hTopViewPanel = uipanel(hFigure, 'Position', [0 0.5 0.5 0.5], 'Title', 'Top View');
    hCarPlot = axes(hTopViewPanel);
    chasePlot(egoCar, 'Parent', hCarPlot, 'ViewHeight', 130, 'ViewLocation', [0 0], 'ViewPitch', 90);
    % Add a panel for a bird's-eye plot
    hBEVPanel = uipanel(hFigure, '
', [0.5 0 0.5 1], '
', '
-Eye Plot
    % Create bird'
-eye plot 
 the ego car 
 sensor coverage
    hBEVPlot = axes(hBEVPanel);
    frontBackLim = 60;
    BEP = birdsEyePlot('Parent', hBEVPlot, 'Xlimits', [-frontBackLim frontBackLim], 'Ylimits', [-35 35]);
    % Plot the coverage areas for radars
    for i = 1:6
        cap = coverageAreaPlotter(BEP,'FaceColor','red','EdgeColor','red');
        plotCoverageArea(cap, sensors{i}.SensorLocation,...
            sensors{i}.MaxRange, sensors{i}.Yaw, sensors{i}.FieldOfView(1));
    % Plot the coverage areas for vision sensors
%     for i = 7:8
%         cap = coverageAreaPlotter(BEP,'FaceColor','blue','EdgeColor','blue');
%         plotCoverageArea(cap, sensors{i}.SensorLocation,...
%             sensors{i}.MaxRange, sensors{i}.Yaw, 45);
%     end
    % Create a vision detection plotter put it in a struct for future use
%     detectionPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','vision', 'MarkerEdgeColor','blue', 'Marker','^');
    % Combine all radar detections into one entry and store it for later update
    detectionPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','radar', 'MarkerEdgeColor','red');
    % Add road borders to plot
    laneMarkingPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','lane markings');
    % Add the tracks to the bird's-eye plot. Show last 10 track updates.
    trackPlotter(BEP, '
', '
    axis(BEP.Parent, '
    xlim(BEP.Parent, [-frontBackLim frontBackLim]);
    ylim(BEP.Parent, [-40 40]);
    % Add an outline plotter for ground truth
    outlinePlotter(BEP, '
', '
Ground truth
%% Update Birds-Eye Plot (BEP)
% This function updates the bird'
-eye plot with road boundaries,
% detections, and tracks.
function updateBEP(BEP, egoCar, detections, confirmedTracks, psel, vsel)
    % Update road boundaries and their display
    [lmv, lmf] = laneMarkingVertices(egoCar);
    plotLaneMarking(findPlotter(BEP,'DisplayName','lane markings'),lmv,lmf);
    % update ground truth data
    [position, yaw, length, width, originOffset, color] = targetOutlines(egoCar);
    plotOutline(findPlotter(BEP,'Tag','Ground truth'), position, yaw, length, width, 'OriginOffset', originOffset, 'Color', color);
    % Prepare and update detections display
    N = numel(detections);
    detPos = zeros(N,2);    
    isRadar = true(N,1);
    for i = 1:N
        detPos(i,:) = detections{i}.Measurement(1:2)';
        if detections{i}.SensorIndex > 6          
            isRadar(i) = false;
'), detPos(isRadar,:));    
    % Prepare and update tracks display
    trackIDs = {confirmedTracks.TrackID};
    labels = cellfun(@num2str, trackIDs, '
', false);
    [tracksPos, tracksCov] = getTrackPositions(confirmedTracks, psel);
    tracksVel = getTrackVelocities(confirmedTracks, vsel);
'), tracksPos, tracksVel, tracksCov, labels);





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