


    <!-- 折线图 -->
    <div id="average-score1" class="risk-percent" />
import * as echarts from "echarts";

export default {
  name: "StrategicRisk",
  components: {},
  // props: ["id"],
  data() {
    return {
      // define options
      options: [],
  mounted() {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
  methods: {
    lineUp(x) {
      if (x) {
        return 11 - x;
      } else {
        return x;
    setRiskPercent2() {
      let Ydata1 = [1, 4, 4].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata2 = [2, 2, 3].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata3 = [3, 9, 8].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata4 = [4, 3, 5].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata5 = [5, 1, null].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata6 = [6, 10, 10].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata7 = [7, 5, 1].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata8 = [8, null, null].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata9 = [9, 8, 6].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata10 = [10, 6, 7].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata11 = [null, 7, 2].map(this.lineUp);
      let Ydata12 = [null, null, 9].map(this.lineUp);

      let Ydata13 = [null, null, 3].map(this.lineUp);//排名前三
      let Ydata14 = [null, null, 4].map(this.lineUp);//排名前三
      let Ydata15 = [null, null, 5].map(this.lineUp);//排名前三

      let Ydata16 = [null, null, 9].map(this.lineUp);//本年新增
      let obj = {
        会计基础: {
          0: [1, 4, 4],
          1: [100, 70, 70],
          3: "topFive",
        "决策管理": {
          0: [2, 2, 3],
          1: [90, 90, 80],
          3: "topFive",
        合同管理: {
          0: [3, 9, 8],
          1: [80, 20, 30],
          3: false,
        公司治理: {
          0: [4, 3, 5],
          1: [70, 80, 60],
          3: "topFive",
        仓库管理: {
          0: [5, 1, null],
          1: [60, 100, null],
          3: false,
        往来款管理: {
          0: [6, 10, 10],
          1: [50, 10, 10],
          3: false,
        资金管理: {
          0: [7, 5, 1],
          1: [40, 60, 100],
          3: false,
        销售管理: {
          0: [8, null, null],
          1: [30, null, null],
          3: false,
        采购管理: {
          0: [9, 8, 6],
          1: [20, 30, 50],
          3: false,
        制度建设: {
          0: [10, 6, 7],
          1: [10, 50, 40],
          3: false,
        其他: {
          0: [null, 7, 2],
          1: [null, 40, 90],
          3: false,
        往来款管理1: {
          0: [null, null, 9],
          1: [null, null, 20],
          3: "new",
      let dataX = ["2021", "2022", "2023"];

      // let Ydata1 = [100, 70, 70];
      // let Ydata2 = [90, 90, 80];
      // let Ydata3 = [80, 20, 30];
      // let Ydata4 = [70, 80, 60];
      // let Ydata5 = [60, 100, null];
      // let Ydata6 = [50, 10, 10];
      // let Ydata7 = [40, 60, 100];
      // let Ydata8 = [30, null, null];
      // let Ydata9 = [20, 30, 50];
      // let Ydata10 = [10, 50, 40];
      // let Ydata11 = [null, 40, 90];
      // let Ydata12 = [null, null, 20];

      // let Ydata13 = [null, null, 3];
      // let Ydata14 = [null, null, 4];
      // let Ydata15 = [null, null, 5];

      // let Ydata16 = [null, null, 9];

      var elementById = document.getElementById("average-score1");
      var myChart = echarts.init(elementById);
        // title: {
        //   text: "Stacked Line",
        // },
        tooltip: {
          // trigger: "axis",
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: (params, ticket, callback) => {
            // console.log("params", params, obj[params.seriesName][1]);
            let str = ``;
            let index = dataX.indexOf(;
            // str = obj[params.seriesName][1][index];

            str =
              params.seriesName +
              `风险<br/>` +
              `年排名第` +
              obj[params.seriesName][0][index] +
              `<br/>` +
              `共上报` +
              obj[params.seriesName][1][index] +

            return str;
        legend: {
          data: [
          orient: "vertical",
          right: "7%",
          align: "left",
          top: "middle",
          icon: "circle",
          itemWidth: 7,
          itemGap: 10,
        grid: {
          left: "4%",
          right: "30%",
          bottom: "4%",
          top: "8%",
          containLabel: true,
        // toolbox: {
        //   feature: {
        //     saveAsImage: {},
        //   },
        // },
        xAxis: {
          type: "category",
          boundaryGap: false,
          data: dataX,
          splitLine: {
            show: true,
          axisLine: {
            show: true,
            // lineStyle: {
            //   type: "dotted",
            // },
        yAxis: [
            type: "value",
            axisTick: {
              show: false,
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              opacity: 0.2,
              type: "dashed",
              color: "#748ca4",
            // data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
            interval: 1, // 步长
            min: 1, // 起始
            max: 10, // 终止
            axisLabel: {
              fontSize: 14,
              fontFamily: "Alibaba-PuHuiTi-R, Alibaba-PuHuiTi",

              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value1", value);
                let str = "";
                if (value == 1) {
                  str = "第十名";
                } else if (value == 2) {
                  str = "第九名";
                } else if (value == 3) {
                  str = "第八名";
                } else if (value == 4) {
                  str = "第七名";
                } else if (value == 5) {
                  str = "第六名";
                } else if (value == 6) {
                  str = "第五名";
                } else if (value == 7) {
                  str = "第四名";
                } else if (value == 8) {
                  str = "第三名";
                } else if (value == 9) {
                  str = "第二名";
                } else if (value == 10) {
                  str = "第一名";
                return str;
        series: [
          // ----------------标签

            name: "往来款管理12",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            lineStyle: {
              color: "transparent",
            // label: {
            //   normal: {
            //     show: true,
            //     position: "right",
            //   },
            // },
            label: {
              offset: [5, 1],
              color: "#fff",
              show: true,
              position: "right",
              distance: 7.5,
              rotate: 0,
              fontSize: 15,
              verticalAlign: "middle",
              backgroundColor: "#2c95ff",
              borderRadius: [9, 9, 9, 9],
              width: 64,
              height: 26,
              align: "left",
              lineHeight: 17,
              padding: [2, 10, 2, 10],
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value", value);
                let str = "连续3期排名前五";
                return str;
            data: Ydata13,
            name: "往来款管理13",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            lineStyle: {
              color: "transparent",
            // label: {
            //   normal: {
            //     show: true,
            //     position: "right",
            //   },
            // },
            label: {
              offset: [5, 1],
              color: "#fff",
              show: true,
              position: "right",
              distance: 7.5,
              rotate: 0,
              fontSize: 15,
              verticalAlign: "middle",
              backgroundColor: "#2c95ff",
              borderRadius: [9, 9, 9, 9],
              width: 64,
              height: 26,
              align: "left",
              lineHeight: 17,
              padding: [2, 10, 2, 10],
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value", value);
                let str = "连续3期排名前五";
                return str;
            data: Ydata14,
            name: "往来款管理14",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            lineStyle: {
              color: "transparent",
            // label: {
            //   normal: {
            //     show: true,
            //     position: "right",
            //   },
            // },
            endLabel: {
              show: true,
              distance: 8.5,
              borderDashOffset: 20,
            label: {
              offset: [5, 1],
              color: "#fff",
              show: true,
              position: "right",
              distance: 7.5,
              rotate: 0,
              fontSize: 15,
              verticalAlign: "middle",
              backgroundColor: "#2c95ff",
              borderRadius: [9, 9, 9, 9],
              width: 64,
              height: 26,
              align: "left",
              lineHeight: 17,
              padding: [2, 10, 2, 10],
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value", value);
                let str = "连续3期排名前五";
                return str;
            data: Ydata15,
            name: "往来款管理15",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "transparent",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#008080",
              // color: "transparent"
            // label: {
            //   normal: {
            //     show: true,
            //     position: "right",
            //   },
            // },
            label: {
              offset: [5, 1],
              color: "#fff",
              show: true,
              position: "right",
              distance: 7.5,
              rotate: 0,
              fontSize: 15,
              verticalAlign: "middle",
              backgroundColor: "#2c95ff",
              borderRadius: [9, 9, 9, 9],
              width: 64,
              height: 26,
              align: "left",
              lineHeight: 17,
              padding: [2, 10, 2, 10],
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value", value);
                let str = "2023年新增";
                return str;
            data: Ydata16,

          // ------------折线
            name: "会计基础",
            type: "line",

            // yAxisIndex: 1, //使用的 y 轴的 index,在单个图表实例中存在多个 y轴的时候有用
            smooth: false, //平滑曲线显示
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#317ef3",
                // borderColor: "rgba(64, 162, 219, 0.5)", //圆点透明 边框
                // borderWidth: 2,

            lineStyle: {
              color: "#317ef3", //1
            // data: [1, 4, 4],
            data: Ydata1,
            name: "决策管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#8dcfa3",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#8dcfa3", //1
            data: Ydata2,
            name: "合同管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#9085f4",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#9085f4", //
            data: Ydata3,
            name: "公司治理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#7fcdde",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#7fcdde", //
            data: Ydata4,
            name: "仓库管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#dd773b",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#dd773b", //
            data: Ydata5,
            name: "往来款管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#f0aebc",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#f0aebc",
            data: Ydata6,
            name: "资金管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#418b9b",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#418b9b",
            data: Ydata7,
          // 销售管理
            name: "销售管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#e5bb45",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#e5bb45",
            data: Ydata8,
            name: "采购管理",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#b256e7",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#b256e7",
            data: Ydata9,
            name: "制度建设",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#abc0fb",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#abc0fb",
            data: Ydata10,
            name: "其他",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#5aa52c",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#5aa52c",
            data: Ydata11,
            name: "往来款管理1",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: "#008080",
            lineStyle: {
              color: "#008080",
            data: Ydata12,
      window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
<style scoped>
.parent {
.risk-percent {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
  flex-shrink: 1;
  flex-grow: 1;
  margin-top: 30px;


    <!-- 折线图 -->
    <div id="average-score1" class="risk-percent" />
import * as echarts from "echarts";

export default {
  name: "StrategicRisk",
  components: {},
  // props: ["id"],
  data() {
    return {
      // define options
      options: [],
  mounted() {
    // this.$nextTick(() => {
    //   this.setRiskPercent2(val);
    // });
  methods: {
    lineUp(x) {
      if (x == "null") {
        x = null;
      if (x) {
        return 11 - x;
      } else {
        return x;
    setRiskPercent2(val) {
      console.log("val12121setRiskPercent2", val);

      //let Ydata1 = [1, 4, 4].map(this.lineUp);
     // let Ydata2 = [2, 2, 3].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata3 = [3, 9, 8].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata4 = [4, 3, 5].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata5 = [5, 1, null].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata6 = [6, 10, 10].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata7 = [7, 5, 1].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata8 = [8, null, null].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata9 = [9, 8, 6].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata10 = [10, 6, 7].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata11 = [null, 7, 2].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata12 = [null, null, 9].map(this.lineUp);

      //let Ydata13 = [null, null, 3].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata14 = [null, null, 4].map(this.lineUp);
      //let Ydata15 = [null, null, 5].map(this.lineUp);

      //let Ydata16 = [null, null, 9].map(this.lineUp);

      let obj1111 = {
        会计基础: {
          0: [1, 4, 4],//排名
          1: [100, 70, 70],//数量
          3: "topFive",
        "决策管理": {
          0: [2, 2, 3],
          1: [90, 90, 80],
          3: "topFive",
        合同管理: {
          0: [3, 9, 8],
          1: [80, 20, 30],
          3: false,
        公司治理: {
          0: [4, 3, 5],
          1: [70, 80, 60],
          3: "topFive",
        仓库管理: {
          0: [5, 1, null],
          1: [60, 100, null],
          3: false,
        往来款管理: {
          0: [6, 10, 10],
          1: [50, 10, 10],
          3: false,
        资金管理: {
          0: [7, 5, 1],
          1: [40, 60, 100],
          3: false,
        销售管理: {
          0: [8, null, null],
          1: [30, null, null],
          3: false,
        采购管理: {
          0: [9, 8, 6],
          1: [20, 30, 50],
          3: false,
        制度建设: {
          0: [10, 6, 7],
          1: [10, 50, 40],
          3: false,
        其他: {
          0: [null, 7, 2],
          1: [null, 40, 90],
          3: false,
        往来款管理1: {
          0: [null, null, 9],
          1: [null, null, 20],
          3: "new",
      let dataX = ["2020", "2021", "2022"];
      let legendData = Object.keys(obj1111);
      let colorList = [
      let i = 0;
      let seriesList = [];
      let seriesList2 = [];
      for (let key in obj1111) {
        // obj[key][0].map(this.lineUp)
        console.log("key", key, obj1111[key]);

        console.log("obj[key]", obj1111[key], obj1111[key][3], i);
        let seriesObj = {
          name: key,
          type: "line",
          symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
          symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
          itemStyle: {
            normal: {
              color: colorList[i],
          lineStyle: {
            color: colorList[i], //1
          data: obj1111[key][0].map(this.lineUp),

        if (obj1111[key][3]) {
          let seriesObj2 = {
            name: key + "0",
            type: "line",
            symbol: "circle", //标记的图形为实心圆
            symbolSize: 6, //标记的大小
            lineStyle: {
              color: "transparent",
            label: {
              offset: [5, 1],
              color: "#fff",
              show: true,
              position: "right",
              distance: 7.5,
              rotate: 0,
              fontSize: 15,
              verticalAlign: "middle",
              backgroundColor: "#2c95ff",
              borderRadius: [9, 9, 9, 9],
              width: 64,
              height: 26,
              align: "left",
              lineHeight: 17,
              padding: [2, 10, 2, 10],
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value", value);
                let str = obj1111[key][3];
                return str;
            data: [null, null, obj1111[key][0][2]].map(this.lineUp),
      console.log("seriesList112121212", seriesList, seriesList2, legendData);

      var elementById = document.getElementById("average-score1");
      var myChart = echarts.init(elementById);
        // title: {
        //   text: "Stacked Line",
        // },
        tooltip: {
          // trigger: "axis",
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: (params, ticket, callback) => {
            // console.log("params", params, obj[params.seriesName][1]);
            let str = ``;
            let index = dataX.indexOf(;
            str =
              params.seriesName +
              `风险<br/>` +
              `年排名第` +
              obj1111[params.seriesName][0][index] +
              `<br/>` +
              `共上报` +
              obj1111[params.seriesName][1][index] +

            return str;
        color: colorList,
        legend: {
          data: legendData,
          orient: "vertical",
          right: "2%",
          align: "left",
          top: "middle",
          icon: "circle",
          itemWidth: 7,
          itemGap: 10,
        grid: {
          left: "4%",
          right: "35%",
          bottom: "4%",
          top: "8%",
          containLabel: true,
        xAxis: {
          type: "category",
          boundaryGap: false,
          data: dataX,
          splitLine: {
            show: true,
          axisLine: {
            show: true,
            // lineStyle: {
            //   type: "dotted",
            // },
        yAxis: [
            type: "value",
            axisTick: {
              show: false,
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              opacity: 0.2,
              type: "dashed",
              color: "#748ca4",
            // data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
            interval: 1, // 步长
            min: 1, // 起始
            max: 10, // 终止
            axisLabel: {
              fontSize: 14,
              fontFamily: "Alibaba-PuHuiTi-R, Alibaba-PuHuiTi",
              formatter: (value) => {
                console.log("value1", value);
                let str = "";
                if (value == 1) {
                  str = "第十名";
                } else if (value == 2) {
                  str = "第九名";
                } else if (value == 3) {
                  str = "第八名";
                } else if (value == 4) {
                  str = "第七名";
                } else if (value == 5) {
                  str = "第六名";
                } else if (value == 6) {
                  str = "第五名";
                } else if (value == 7) {
                  str = "第四名";
                } else if (value == 8) {
                  str = "第三名";
                } else if (value == 9) {
                  str = "第二名";
                } else if (value == 10) {
                  str = "第一名";
                return str;
        series: [
          // ----------------
<style scoped>
.parent {
.risk-percent {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
  flex-shrink: 1;
  flex-grow: 1;
  margin-top: 30px;





问题如下 当时我以为引脚配错了&#xff0c;原理图明明是B引脚&#xff0c;为何程序是C呢 查了一下资料&#xff0c;顿悟了 在使用模拟IIC的时候&#xff0c;观看别人的程序的时候发现了程序之间的一些不一…

vscode vue3+vite 配置eslint

vue2webpackeslint配置 目前主流项目都在使用vue3vite&#xff0c;因此针对eslint的配置做了一下总结。 引入ESlint、pritter 安装插件&#xff0c;执行以下命令 // eslint // prettier // eslint-plugin-vue // eslint-config-prettier // eslint-plugin-prettier yarn ad…


在Linux系统编程中&#xff0c;文件IO操作是非常常见和重要的操作之一。通过文件IO操作&#xff0c;我们可以打开、读取、写入和关闭文件&#xff0c;对文件进行定位、复制、删除和重命名等操作。本篇博客将介绍一些常用的文件IO操作函数。 文章目录 1. open()1.1 原型、参数及…

【git clone error:no matching key exchange method found】

拉起项目代码报错 git clone ssh://uidxxxgerrit-xxxxxxxx Cloning into ‘xxxxx’… Unable to negotiate with port xxxxx: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 fatal: Could not …


JavaScript简史 1995&#xff1a; Brendan Eich在短短10天内创建了JavaScript的第一个版本。它被称为摩卡&#xff0c;但已经具备了现代JavaScript的许多基本特性! 1996&#xff1a; 为了吸引Java开发人员&#xff0c;Mocha先是更改为LiveScript&#xff0c;然后又更改为Ja…


library(survival) library(randomForestSRC) help(package"randomForestSRC") #构建普通的随机生存森林 data(cancer,package"survival") lung$status<-lung$status-1 rfsrc.fit1 <- rfsrc(Surv(time, status) ~ ., lung,ntree 100,block.size 1,…


目录 1 和她浪漫的昨天 2 未来的旖旎风景 3 Python完整代码 1 和她浪漫的昨天 是的,春天需要你。经常会有一颗星等着你抬头去看&#xff1b; 和她一起吹晚风吗﹖在春天的柏油路夏日的桥头秋季的公园寒冬的阳台&#xff1b; 这世界不停开花&#xff0c;我想放进你心里一朵&am…

2023年国赛数学建模思路 - 复盘:人力资源安排的最优化模型

文章目录 0 赛题思路1 描述2 问题概括3 建模过程3.1 边界说明3.2 符号约定3.3 分析3.4 模型建立3.5 模型求解 4 模型评价与推广5 实现代码 建模资料 0 赛题思路 &#xff08;赛题出来以后第一时间在CSDN分享&#xff09; 1 描述 …



配置/var/tmp/fstab 权限/配置用户账户/查找文件/查找字符串

目录 配置/var/tmp/fstab 权限 配置用户账户 查找文件 查找字符串 创建归档 配置/var/tmp/fstab 权限 配置文件权限&#xff0c;将文件 /etc/fstab 复制到 /var/tmp/fstab 。配置 /var/tmp/fstab 的权限以满足 如下条 件&#xff1a; /var/tmp/fstab 属于 root 用户…


当前时间2023.08.13&#xff0c;Windows11中默认的WSL版本已经是2了&#xff0c;在WSL2中默认的Ubuntu版本已经是22.04&#xff0c;而Ubuntu22.04中默认的Mysql版本已经是8.*。 Wsl 2 中安装mysql WSL2中安装Mysql的方法参考自微软官方文档【开始使用适用于 Linux 的 Windows …


1.对项目右键&#xff0c;属性 2.在调试中打开常规&#xff0c;打开调试启动配置文件UI 3.输入需要的命令行参数

Sencha Ext.NET Crack,构建Blazing快速应用

Sencha Ext.NET Crack,构建Blazing快速应用 Sencha Ext.NET是一个高级的ASP.NET核心组件框架&#xff0c;它包含了强大的跨浏览器Sencha Ext JS库。通过140多个预构建和专业测试的UI组件实现企业级性能和生产效率。Sencha Ext.NET使用尖端的Web技术创建功能强大的Web应用程序&a…


这里选择的是&#xff1a; sonarqube:9.1.0-community (推荐使用) postgres:9.6.23 数据库(sonarqube7.9及以后便不再支持mysql&#xff0c;版本太低的话里面的一些插件会下载不成功的) 1、docker-sonarqube.yml文件 version: 3 services:sonarqube:container_name: sonar…


Flink中Graph转换流程如下&#xff1a; Flink Job提交时各种类型Graph转换流程中&#xff0c;JobGraph是Client端形成StreamGraph后经过Operator Chain优化后形成的&#xff0c;然后提交给JobManager的Restserver&#xff0c;最终转发给JobManager的Dispatcher处理。 Completa…


在浏览器中使用javascript打印HTML中指定Div带背景图片内容生成PDF电子证书查询的解决方案 一、指定内容打印二、背景图片打印1.CSS背景图片设置2.div相对定位居中 三、完整案例展示1.CSS样式表2.HTML容器构建 一、指定内容打印 要调用浏览器中的打印功能&#xff0c;并指定需…

机器学习笔记 - 基于PyTorch + 类似ResNet的单目标检测

一、获取并了解数据 我们将处理年龄相关性黄斑变性 (AMD) 患者的眼部图像。 数据集下载地址,从下面的地址中,找到iChallenge-AMD,然后下载。 Baidu Research Open-Access Dataset - DownloadDownload Baidu Research Open-Access Dataset…

Spring Boot + Vue3前后端分离实战wiki知识库系统十二--用户管理单点登录开发一...

目标&#xff1a; 在上一次我们已经完成了文档管理的功能模块开发&#xff0c;接下来则开启新模块的学习---用户登录&#xff0c;这块还是有不少知识点值得学习的&#xff0c;先来看一下整体的效果&#xff0c;关于效果官网有…

Databend 开源周报第 106 期

Databend 是一款现代云数仓。专为弹性和高效设计&#xff0c;为您的大规模分析需求保驾护航。自由且开源。即刻体验云服务&#xff1a; 。 Whats On In Databend 探索 Databend 本周新进展&#xff0c;遇到更贴近你心意的 Databend 。 数据脱敏 Data…


写在前面 版本新功能 1 体验介绍 登录注册 申请体验 2 具体使用 2.1 多模态能力 2.1.1 多模理解 2.1.2 视觉问答 2.1.3 多模生成 2.2 代码能力 2.2.1 代码生成 2.2.2 代码解释 2.2.3 代码纠错 2.2.4 单元测试 2.3 插件功能 2.3.1 PPT生成 2.3.2 简历生成 2.3.4 文档问答 3 其他…