

    <div class="mark" @click="isOver"></div>
    <div class="mycar">
        <div class="mycar_list">
            <div class="mycar_list_con">
                <p class="mycar_list_p">车牌号</p>
                <div class="mycar_list_carnum">
                    <span class="mycar_list_div_span" v-for="(item, index) in carNumList"
                        :class="{ active: item, active_cursor: activeCursor == index, lastCursor: activeCursor == 7, first_style_name: item == '省' }"
                        @click="changeCarNum(item, index)" :key="index">{{ item }}</span>
        <div class="mycar_list_numlist">
            <span class="mycar_list_numlist_cancel" :class="{ mycar_list_numlist_more: !shwoProvinceFlag }" @click="isOver">取消</span>
            <span class="mycar_list_numlist_confirm" :class="{ mycar_list_numlist_more: !shwoProvinceFlag }" @click="addCar">确定</span>
            <div class="mycar_list_numlist_province" v-if="shwoProvinceFlag">
                <span class="mycar_list_numlist_province_span" v-for="(item, index) in province" :key="index"
                    @click="changeProvince(item)">{{ item }}</span>
                <span class="mycar_list_numlist_province_span province_span_last">
                    <image src=""></image>
            <div class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList" v-else>
                <div class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div">
                    <span class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div_span" v-for="(item, index) in numList"
                        :class="{ numlistStyle: activeCursor == 1 }" :key="index" @click="getNum(item)">{{ item }}</span>
                <div class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div letterList_list">
                    <span class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div_span type_class_span" v-for="(item, index) in letterList"
                        :key="index" :class="{ type_class_disabled: (item == 'O' || item == 'I') }"
                        @click="changeLetter(item, index)">{{ item }}</span>
                    <span class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div_span province_span_last" style="flex: 0.5;"
                        <image src=""></image>
                <div class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div letterList_typeList">
                    <span class="mycar_list_numlist_letterList_div_span type_class_span" v-for="(item, index) in typeList"
                        :class="{ type_class_disabled: activeCursor != 6 }" :key="index" @click="getTypeCar(item, index)">{{
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, ref, onMounted, watch } from 'vue';

const emit = defineEmits(['complete']);
const carNumList = reactive(["省", "", "", "", "", "", "", "新"])
const province = ["京", "沪", "浙", "苏", "粤", "鲁", "晋", "冀",
    "豫", "川", "渝", "辽", "吉", "黑", "皖", "鄂",
    "津", "贵", "云", "桂", "琼", "青", "新", "藏",
    "蒙", "宁", "甘", "陕", "闽", "赣", "湘", "使", "领", "警", "学", "港", "澳"
const numList = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"];
const letterList = ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M']
const typeList = ["学", "警", "港", "澳"]
const plateNo = ref('');
const isOverFlag = ref(true)
const disabled = ref(true)
const shwoProvinceFlag = ref(true)
const activeCursor = ref(0); // 光标 index

// 监控车牌
watch(carNumList, (list) => {
    let flagDisabled = list.every((item) => item.trim().length > 0)
    disabled.value = !flagDisabled || list[0] == '省'

// 车牌改变 光标
const changeCarNum = (item, index) => {
    isOverFlag.value = true
    if (index > 0) {
        shwoProvinceFlag.value = false
    } else {
        shwoProvinceFlag.value = true
    activeCursor.value = index
// 省份修改
const changeProvince = (item) => {
    activeCursor.value = 0;
    carNumList[0] = item;
    shwoProvinceFlag.value = false
    activeCursor.value = 1;

// 车牌数字输入
const getNum = (item) => {
    if (activeCursor.value == 1) {
        return false
    carNumList.splice(activeCursor.value, 1, item);
    if (activeCursor.value <= 6) {
        activeCursor.value += 1

// 字母输入
const changeLetter = (item, index) => {
    if (item == 'O' || item == 'I') {
    carNumList.splice(activeCursor.value, 1, item);
    if (activeCursor.value <= 6) {
        activeCursor.value += 1

// 车牌类型
const getTypeCar = (item, index) => {
    if (activeCursor.value != 6) {
        return false;
    carNumList.splice(6, 1, item);

// 删除
const deleteCarNum = () => {
    if (activeCursor.value > 0) {
        if (carNumList[activeCursor.value].trim().length == 0) {
            activeCursor.value -= 1
        } else if (carNumList[activeCursor.value] == '新') {
            activeCursor.value = 6
    if (activeCursor.value == 0) {
        carNumList.splice(activeCursor.value, 1, "省");
        shwoProvinceFlag.value = true
    } else if (activeCursor.value == 7) {
        carNumList.splice(activeCursor.value, 1, "新");
        shwoProvinceFlag.value = false
    } else {
        carNumList.splice(activeCursor.value, 1, "");
        shwoProvinceFlag.value = false

// 点击取消
const isOver = () => {
// 按钮确认添加
const addCar = async () => {
    let arr = [] as any;
    arr = arr.concat(carNumList)
    plateNo.value = arr[7] == "新" ? arr.splice(0, 7).join('') : arr.join('');
    console.log("车牌-->", plateNo.value);
    emit('complete', plateNo.value);
onMounted(() => {

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    .mycar_list {
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        >.mycar_list_con {
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            >.mycar_list_carnum {
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                    &:last-child {
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            bottom: 444rpx;
            color: #333;
            z-index: 10;

            &.mycar_list_numlist_more {
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            color: #FF6634;
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稳定性建设框架 | 京东物流技术团队

一、为什么要做稳定性建设 1、从熵增定律引出稳定性建设的必要性 物理学上&#xff0c;用“熵”来描述一个体系的混乱程度。卡尔弗里德曼提出熵增定律&#xff0c;他认为在一个封闭的系统内&#xff0c;如果没有外力的作用&#xff0c;一切物质都会从有序状态向无序状态发展。…


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unity pivot and center

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通过 Jetbrains GateWay实现Remote Development

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学习 使用pandas库 DataFrame 使用

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