Spring 事务原理总结三



protected static final class TransactionInfo {
    private final PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;
    private final TransactionAttribute transactionAttribute;
    private final String joinpointIdentification;
    private TransactionStatus transactionStatus;
    private TransactionInfo oldTransactionInfo;
    public TransactionInfo(@Nullable PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager,
          @Nullable TransactionAttribute transactionAttribute, String joinpointIdentification) {
       this.transactionManager = transactionManager;
       this.transactionAttribute = transactionAttribute;
       this.joinpointIdentification = joinpointIdentification;
    public PlatformTransactionManager getTransactionManager() {
       Assert.state(this.transactionManager != null, "No PlatformTransactionManager set");
       return this.transactionManager;
    public TransactionAttribute getTransactionAttribute() {
       return this.transactionAttribute;
     * Return a String representation of this joinpoint (usually a Method call)
     * for use in logging.
    public String getJoinpointIdentification() {
       return this.joinpointIdentification;
    public void newTransactionStatus(@Nullable TransactionStatus status) {
       this.transactionStatus = status;
    public TransactionStatus getTransactionStatus() {
       return this.transactionStatus;
     * Return whether a transaction was created by this aspect,
     * or whether we just have a placeholder to keep ThreadLocal stack integrity.
    public boolean hasTransaction() {
       return (this.transactionStatus != null);
    private void bindToThread() {
       // Expose current TransactionStatus, preserving any existing TransactionStatus
       // for restoration after this transaction is complete.
       this.oldTransactionInfo = transactionInfoHolder.get();
    private void restoreThreadLocalStatus() {
       // Use stack to restore old transaction TransactionInfo.
       // Will be null if none was set.
    public String toString() {
       return (this.transactionAttribute != null ? this.transactionAttribute.toString() : "No transaction");



public interface TransactionStatus extends TransactionExecution, SavepointManager, Flushable {

     * Return whether this transaction internally carries a savepoint,
     * that is, has been created as nested transaction based on a savepoint.
     * <p>This method is mainly here for diagnostic purposes, alongside
     * {@link #isNewTransaction()}. For programmatic handling of custom
     * savepoints, use the operations provided by {@link SavepointManager}.
     * <p>The default implementation returns {@code false}.
     * @see #isNewTransaction()
     * @see #createSavepoint()
     * @see #rollbackToSavepoint(Object)
     * @see #releaseSavepoint(Object)
    default boolean hasSavepoint() {
       return false;

     * Flush the underlying session to the datastore, if applicable:
     * for example, all affected Hibernate/JPA sessions.
     * <p>This is effectively just a hint and may be a no-op if the underlying
     * transaction manager does not have a flush concept. A flush signal may
     * get applied to the primary resource or to transaction synchronizations,
     * depending on the underlying resource.
     * <p>The default implementation is empty, considering flush as a no-op.
    default void flush() {




public interface TransactionAttribute extends TransactionDefinition {

     * Return a qualifier value associated with this transaction attribute.
     * <p>This may be used for choosing a corresponding transaction manager
     * to process this specific transaction.
     * @since 3.0
    String getQualifier();

     * Return labels associated with this transaction attribute.
     * <p>This may be used for applying specific transactional behavior
     * or follow a purely descriptive nature.
     * @since 5.3
    Collection<String> getLabels();

     * Should we roll back on the given exception?
     * @param ex the exception to evaluate
     * @return whether to perform a rollback or not
    boolean rollbackOn(Throwable ex);








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