Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex 传统图像增强 SLRMSR


  • 前言
  • 1、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex概况
  • 2、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex的实现
    • 2.1、SLRMSR算法的伪代码
    • 2.2、初始化记忆喷雾(CreateInitialMemorySpray)
    • 2.3、更新记忆喷雾 (UpdateMemorySpray)
    • 2.4、计算颜色校正因子(ComputeColorCorrectionFactor)
    • 2.5、应用强度重映射(ApplyIntensityRemapping)
    • 2.6、应用引导滤波 (ApplyGuidedImageFiltering)
  • 3、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex效果


  Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex,即“智能光随机记忆喷雾Retinex”,简称SLRMSR。作为一种新的基于Retinex理论的图像增强算法,旨在解决图像亮度调整和颜色校正的问题。

1、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex概况

Smart light random memory sprays Retinex: a fast Retinex implementation for high-quality brightness adjustment and color correction
Nikola Banić,Sven Lončarić

  “智能光随机记忆喷雾Retinex”(Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex,简称SLRMSR),该算法提出了记忆喷雾的概念,以减少每个像素操作的数量,从而实现了快速的Retinex基础的局部图像增强。同时提出了一种有效的图像强度重映射的方法,进一步显著地提高了图像的质量。最后通过使用引导滤波作为替代的光照处理方法,减少了原有LRSR算法的光晕效应。作为一种新的基于Retinex理论的图像增强算法,在解决图像亮度调整和颜色校正的问题上,具有显著优势。

2、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex的实现




① 定义喷雾大小:
② 选择邻近像素:
③ 构建笛卡尔树:
④ 存储喷雾内容:

2.3、更新记忆喷雾 (UpdateMemorySpray)

① 选择新像素:
② 更新笛卡尔树:
③ 计算最大值:

//基于随机内存喷雾Retinex(Random Memory Sprays Retinex)算法对输入的彩色图像进行白平衡处理
void RandomMemorySpraysRetinexPerformWhiteBalance(Mat source, Mat& destination, int N, int n, double upperBound, int rowsStep, int colsStep, double rFactor) {

	int rows = source.rows;
	int cols = source.cols;

	int R = rFactor * sqrt((double)(rows * rows + cols * cols)) + 0.5;

	Mat normalized;
	source.convertTo(normalized, CV_64FC3);

	int outputRows = rows / rowsStep;
	int outputCols = cols / colsStep;
	destination = Mat(outputRows, outputCols, CV_64FC3);

	Vec3d* input = (Vec3d*);
	Vec3d* inputPoint = input;
	Vec3d* output = (Vec3d*);
	Vec3d* outputPoint = output;

	RNG random;

	CartesianTree<double>** qhs;

	qhs = new CartesianTree<double>*[N];
	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
		qhs[i] = new CartesianTree<double>[3];

	for (int outputRow = 0; outputRow < outputRows; ++outputRow) {
		for (int outputCol = 0; outputCol < outputCols; ++outputCol) {

			int row = outputRow * rowsStep;
			int col = outputCol * colsStep;

			inputPoint = input + row * cols + col;
			outputPoint = output + outputRow * outputCols + outputCol;

			Vec3d& currentPoint = *inputPoint;
			Vec3d& finalPoint = *outputPoint;
			finalPoint = Vec3d(0, 0, 0);

			for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {

				Vec3d max = Vec3d(0, 0, 0);

				while (qhs[i][0].Size() < n) {
					double angle = 2 * CV_PI * random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
					double r = R * random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);

					int newRow = row + r * sin(angle);
					int newCol = col + r * cos(angle);

					if (newRow >= 0 && newRow < rows && newCol >= 0 && newCol < cols) {
						Vec3d& newPoint = input[newRow * cols + newCol];
						for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {

				for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
					if (max[k] < qhs[i][k].Max()) {
						max[k] = qhs[i][k].Max();



				for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
					if (max[k] == 0) {
						max[k] = 1;
					finalPoint[k] += currentPoint[k] / max[k];


			finalPoint /= N;

			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				if (finalPoint[i] > 1) {
					finalPoint[i] = 1;


	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
		delete[] qhs[i];
	delete[] qhs;

	double scaleFactor = upperBound;

	if (rowsStep > 1 || colsStep > 1) {
		resize(destination, destination, source.size());

	destination = destination * scaleFactor - 1;

	destination.convertTo(destination, source.type());




void ApplyIllumination(Mat source, Mat illumination, Mat& destination, double upperBound) {
	vector<Mat> destinationChannels;
	split(source, destinationChannels);
	vector<Mat> illuminationChannels;
	split(illumination, illuminationChannels);
	for (int i = 0; i < destinationChannels.size(); ++i) {
		destinationChannels[i].convertTo(destinationChannels[i], CV_64FC1);
		divide(destinationChannels[i], illuminationChannels[i], destinationChannels[i]);

	merge(destinationChannels, destination);

	double* check = (double*);
	for (int i = 0; i < destination.rows * destination.cols * 3; ++i) {
		if (check[i] >= upperBound) {
			check[i] = upperBound - 1;

	destination.convertTo(destination, source.type());



① 计算初始及LRSR的亮度:
② 确定重映射的参数:
③ 计算调整后的亮度:
  调整后的亮度是初始亮度Yi和处理后亮度Yo的凸组会。即:Yr = λi * Yi + (1 - λi) * Yo
  其中,λi 是一个介于0和1之间的权重因子,主要基于初始亮度Yi和一个调整参数a来计算。
④ 计算权重因子:
  权重因子λi,即:λi = (Yi / D) / (Yi / D + a)。
⑤ 过滤处理:
⑥ 计算最终亮度:
  最终的亮度值,即:OpIci = λ’i * Yo + (1 - λ’i) * Ici。

void LightRandomMemorySpraysRetinexEstimateLocalIlumination(Mat source, Mat& destination, int N, int n, int inputKernelSize, int illuminantKernelSize, bool normalizeIlluminant = false, int rowsStep = 1, int colsStep = 1, double upperBound = 256.0, double rFactor = 1.0) {

	Mat retinex;
	RandomMemorySpraysRetinexPerformWhiteBalance(source, retinex, N, n, upperBound, rowsStep, colsStep, rFactor);

	Mat inputSource;
	Mat inputRetinex;

	source.convertTo(inputSource, CV_64FC3);
	retinex.convertTo(inputRetinex, CV_64FC3);

	Mat guidance;

	if (normalizeIlluminant) {
		Mat illuminant;
		divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
		vector<Mat> illuminantChannels;

		split(illuminant, illuminantChannels);
		Mat illuminantAverage = (illuminantChannels[0] + illuminantChannels[1] + illuminantChannels[2]) / 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			divide(illuminantChannels[i], illuminantAverage, illuminantChannels[i]);
		merge(illuminantChannels, illuminant);

		inputSource = inputRetinex.mul(illuminant);

	if (inputKernelSize > 1) {
		Mat averaging = Mat::ones(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize, CV_64FC1) / (double)(inputKernelSize * inputKernelSize);
		boxFilter(inputSource, inputSource, -1, Size(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize));
		boxFilter(inputRetinex, inputRetinex, -1, Size(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize));

	Mat illuminant;
	divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
	vector<Mat> illuminantChannels;

	if (illuminantKernelSize > 1) {
		Mat averaging = Mat::ones(illuminantKernelSize, illuminantKernelSize, CV_64FC1) / (double)(illuminantKernelSize * illuminantKernelSize);
		boxFilter(illuminant, illuminant, -1, Size(illuminantKernelSize, illuminantKernelSize));



2.6、应用引导滤波 (ApplyGuidedImageFiltering)


void GuidedImageFilterC1(Mat img, Mat guidance, Mat& result, int r, double epsilon) {

	Mat p;
	img.convertTo(p, CV_64F);

	Mat I;
	guidance.convertTo(I, CV_64F);

	Mat meanI;
	boxFilter(I, meanI, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat meanP;
	boxFilter(p, meanP, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat corrI;
	boxFilter(I.mul(I), corrI, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat corrIp;
	boxFilter(I.mul(p), corrIp, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat varI = corrI - meanI.mul(meanI);
	Mat covIp = corrIp - meanI.mul(meanP);

	Mat a;
	divide(covIp, varI + epsilon, a);
	Mat b = meanP - a.mul(meanI);

	Mat meanA;
	boxFilter(a, meanA, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat meanB;
	boxFilter(b, meanB, -1, Size(r, r));

	Mat q = meanA.mul(I) + meanB;

	q.convertTo(result, img.type());

void GuidedImageFilterC3(Mat img, Mat guidance, Mat& result, int r, double epsilon) {

	vector<Mat> imgChannels;
	vector<Mat> guidanceChannels;

	split(img, imgChannels);
	split(guidance, guidanceChannels);

	vector<Mat> resultChannels;

	for (int i = 0; i < imgChannels.size(); ++i) {
		Mat channelResult;
		GuidedImageFilterC1(imgChannels[i], guidanceChannels[i], channelResult, r, epsilon);

	merge(resultChannels, result);


void GuidedLightRandomMemorySpraysRetinexEstimateLocalIlumination(Mat source, Mat& destination, int N, int n, int inputKernelSize, int illuminantKernelSize, bool normalizeIlluminant = false, int rowsStep = 1, int colsStep = 1, double upperBound = 256.0, double rFactor = 1.0) {

	Mat retinex;
	RandomMemorySpraysRetinexPerformWhiteBalance(source, retinex, N, n, upperBound, rowsStep, colsStep, rFactor);

	Mat inputSource;
	Mat inputRetinex;

	source.convertTo(inputSource, CV_64FC3);
	retinex.convertTo(inputRetinex, CV_64FC3);

	Mat guidance;

	if (normalizeIlluminant) {
		Mat illuminant;
		divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
		vector<Mat> illuminantChannels;

		split(illuminant, illuminantChannels);
		Mat illuminantAverage = (illuminantChannels[0] + illuminantChannels[1] + illuminantChannels[2]) / 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			divide(illuminantChannels[i], illuminantAverage, illuminantChannels[i]);
		merge(illuminantChannels, illuminant);

		inputSource = inputRetinex.mul(illuminant);

	double value = 40;
	double epsilon = value * value;

	if (inputKernelSize > 1) {
		GuidedImageFilterC3(inputSource, guidance, inputSource, inputKernelSize, epsilon);
		GuidedImageFilterC3(inputRetinex, guidance, inputRetinex, inputKernelSize, epsilon);

	Mat illuminant;
	divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
	vector<Mat> illuminantChannels;

	if (illuminantKernelSize > 1) {
		GuidedImageFilterC3(illuminant, guidance, illuminant, illuminantKernelSize, epsilon);



3、Smart Light Random Memory Sprays Retinex效果






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